Monday 28 November 2011

Best. Local Newspaper Comment. Ever..!

Pupils from a Westcliff primary school are set to tackle speeding motorists.
No, they aren’t going to be given speed guns, but they are going to be given motorists a stern talking-to:
Traffic cops will stand by the road-side recording the speed of oncoming vehicles and stopping any motorists caught speeding.

The driver is then given the option of either accepting a £30 fine and three points on their licence, or speaking to pupils who go to the nearby school.

If they do opt to speak to the children, they will be asked a series of questions, which the children themselves have devised, and given a poster to go home with to remind them of their experience.
Which prompted this comment:
Alan Jacobs says...

Blimey all the kiddie fiddlers are gonna be holding drag races on Salisbury Ave.

But what isn’t quite so funny is that this is considered appropriate use of school time…


Anonymous said...

Multiple tasering (option 3):

No lasting 'arm, mate.

Anonymous said...

Even I think we harass motorists too much!

Angry Exile said...

No, they aren’t going to be given speed guns, but they are going to be given motorists a stern talking-to.

Thank goodness for that. I thought you were going to say the traffic calming budget had been used up so they were going to use the children as speed humps.

Oh, I'm so going to hell.

Captain Haddock said...

The "Town Hall Stasi" need to recruit from somewhere ..

Indoctrinate 'em when they're young .. they'll be your snouts for the rest of their lives ..

Oswald Thake said...

Would one still get the three points and have to pay thirty quid if one told them they were a pack of nasty little prigs?

Moppy said...

It would probably be quicker just to listen while stifling a yawn than try to teach them what a prig was...

JuliaM said...

"Even I think we harass motorists too much!"


"I thought you were going to say the traffic calming budget had been used up so they were going to use the children as speed humps."


"Indoctrinate 'em when they're young .. they'll be your snouts for the rest of their lives .."

God, yes, I never thought of that! * gloomily* This probably counts as 'social awareness' lessons, or something...

"Would one still get the three points and have to pay thirty quid if one told them they were a pack of nasty little prigs?"

Oooh, you'd probably get a tasering!

"It would probably be quicker just to listen while stifling a yawn than try to teach them what a prig was..."


DerekP said...

George Orwell's '1984' seems to be the inspiration yet again; in the novel children were encouraged to spy and inform on adults, even members of their family.

I wonder how long it will be before one of the kids at this school manages to get one of their family members trapped.

If one of the prigs videoed the session and put it on Youtube what is the responsibility of the police in this matter, given they seem to be the adults pushing this?