Monday 1 June 2020

Except For One Fact, Yes, Love...

Speaking to media after the attack Inspector Faye Stockmen, Duty Operations Manager of NSW Ambulance, said the rescue operation was 'incredibly dangerous'.
'Being the first to walk into the enclosure was one of the most frightening experiences - we literally had to walk into a lion's den.
'It was absolutely harrowing. It is an incredibly dangerous situations, both for the patient and the paramedics,' she said.'
Wait, what? They had your paramedics walk into the enclosure while the lions were still there..?

No. Of course they didn't.
Speaking to reporters, Mr Moore said police were beginning to investigate how the incident unfolded.
'Early indications are that a female zoo keeper was tending to some cleaning duties in the enclosure and was set on by two lions in that enclosure,' he told reporters.
'I take this opportunity to commend the two zoo staff who reacted to the incident and were able to secure the lions and support their colleague.'
So why all the drama, love, since you were in no danger, your paramedics were in no danger?

Is a lion attack not dramatic enough for you, that you have to blatantly lie?


MTG said...

Crikey. There are some fancy story-tellers among the world's Jobsworths but Ms Fatye Stockybag steals the show.

JuliaM said...

"Crikey. There are some fancy story-tellers among the world's Jobsworths..."

She's going to be tough to beat, isn't she?