Tuesday 26 January 2010

I Wonder What The Answer To This Problem Is..?

A Somali gang is running a ruthless drugs ring in Southend and Westcliff, it has been claimed.

The thugs are believed to be moving into rented properties in Westcliff to sell Class A drugs and then move on after a few months.
Sounds like a job for the police, then.
The fears have been raised by councillors and residents groups after a thief who appeared in court said he had been forced into crime because of threats from a gang of Somalis.
Hmmm, but habitual criminals have all kinds of excuses for their behaviour, don’t they?

Case in point:
Martin Terry, Independent councillor for Westborough, highlighted the case last year of a prostitute who had to be given a change of identity after she was threatened by the dealers.
So what’s the answer? Police crackdown? Deportation?

Nope. Would you believe, more regulation?
He is now calling for all private landlords to be registered.

This is because dealers often have the money to pay a deposit on a house, live in it for three months, and then move on.
How, exactly, is this proposed register supposed to stop this then?


woman on a raft said...

What we should do, yeah, is make all our ruthless drugs rings register with the local council. Cut out the middle-man.

Anonymous said...

Indeed. How come no one bothers with suggesting that the police take swift action against the criminals and that the courts lock them up for the maximum allowed by statute (not what Jack STraw suggests) and then those that aren't the holders of Breeteeesh passports are deported at the conclusion od their sentence with those that are conscripted into (a) The Army and/or (B) a workfare initiative? Most Somali criminal scum (they're not all bad.....allegedly) are familiar with the workings of a variety of weaponry so (A) should be the winner!

(Rhetorical question obviously).

Witterings from Witney said...

"I Wonder What The Answer To This Problem Is"

Nuke Somalia? Seriously though, nuke the bureaucrats?

Besides deporting the Somalians, perhaps we should also deport the bureaucrats?

Brian, follower of Deornoth said...

Of course there'd be a fee for registration. And another fee for the annual, sorry quarterly, inspection. And you'd have to get planning permission to rent out a house, which would require a change of use fee.

So the landlord would stop letting his house (to anyone) because it seems hardly likely that a ruthless gang of drug dealers will tamely agree to the rent rise, and the problem will be solved!

Fat Hen said...

I totally do believe the guy being forced into dealing -- many of these communities are in fact slave colonies run by the 'leaders' who ruthlessly use the weak members of their own family in ways that would make the average plantation owner of the 1700's blush.

That's not confined to Somalis -- you see this type of criminal exploitation where ever society tolerates/suffers tribal systems to exist and allows them a quasi autonomous status as a ministate/militia.

Here is a nice little snippet to listen to that illustrates the problem perfectly in the general case with a wonderful example, note the times, the numbers, the pattern by which this spreads, and, in this particular case, how very similar the modus operandi is even after a few hundred years:


The whole book can be found here: http://librivox.org/manners-customs-and-dress-during-the-middle-ages-and-during-the-renaissance-period-by-paul-lacroix/


dr cromarty said...

Ah Somalia!

A country and a culture that has given the world in general, and the UK in particular, so much....errr...hang on...

JuliaM said...

"What we should do, yeah, is make all our ruthless drugs rings register with the local council. Cut out the middle-man."

I think you're on to something!

"How come no one bothers with suggesting that the police take swift action against the criminals and that the courts lock them up for the maximum allowed by statute..."

That's certainly suggested in the comments on the 'Echo' story. But who takes notice of them?

"Besides deporting the Somalians, perhaps we should also deport the bureaucrats?"

Ah, if only...

"Of course there'd be a fee for registration. And another fee for the annual, sorry quarterly, inspection. "

Oh, naturally!

JuliaM said...

"Here is a nice little snippet to listen to that illustrates the problem perfectly..."

Good grief...

"Ah Somalia!

A country and a culture that has given the world in general, and the UK in particular, so much....errr...hang on..."
