Thursday, 22 December 2011

On The Eleventh Day Of Christmas, Multiculturalism Gave To Me...

...workers who are fluent in...anything but English:
‘I couldn’t believe what was happening,’ said Portuguese-born Mr Franco, who came to Britain in 2000 and is a fluent English speaker.

All the supervisors were Polish apart from me and one Englishman. And of 300 packers, almost all of them were Polish.

‘I speak four languages – Portuguese, English, French and Spanish – but none helped. I was told if I wanted to get on, I should learn Polish. It’s crazy. I spent nine years studying English, yet here in England it’s Polish I need to speak.’
You really couldn't make it up...

Also, Tube disruption caused by foreign disputes, 'honor killings' (otherwise known as murder), new and interesting ways to break smoking laws, names on court listings that sound like they came out of a bag of ‘Scrabble’, many interesting and lucrative jobs for lawyers, new and interesting methods of fraud, a feeling of being 'untouchable', the marginalising of our Christian heritage, the concept of victim perception of racism and a partridge in a cardboard box.


Captain Haddock said...

If this were happening anywhere else in the world, the "righteous" would be up in arms, out on the streets & screaming hysterically about "ethnic cleansing" ...

Anonymous said...

At least they aren't speaking Arabic.

Not yet.

Hexe Froschbein said...

The country has been turned into one giant livestock farm where different breeds are swapped in and out of pens by the farmer depending on production requirements.

Anonymous said...

I see we have the usual 'the Polish workers are preferred because the British are too lazy' comments on the site. Hmm, could be more than a grain of truth in that, but maybe there's more, do you think?

Migrant workers (I know as I've done the same in another country) are willing to work for considerably less than indigenous people because if you live ten to a house, rarely socialise, forget all those taxes that everyone else pays (whilst here they get the added bonus of all those benefits), etc. you can send home/save a bunch even on minimum wage.

Locally an employer (staffed mainly by unskilled English) reduced the wages (reclassified the job skills) and then went to Portugal for workers. They payed for hundreds to come to the city. The company, on the shop floor, went entirely Portuguese, documentation, meetings, the works - so would you work in such an environment?

Now four years later? Yep, you guessed it, the employer has a core of maybe six or seven Portuguese, and the rest the usual English. The rest of the Portuguese? They got their social housing (priorities as they had no 'local support' apparently) and are all on benefits, drinking it up (so much so that a number of bars look askance at you if you try speaking English in them).

Locals? Well you try surviving on minimum wage with no access to social housing (like I said, priority for foreigners), in an environment where you are treated as second class in your own country.

This country is well and truly screwed.

Anonymous said...

Quality comment, Able. The socialist British Labour Party used the indigenous population for about 70 years, it then discarded them. What you see now is the result of that act; an abandoned people who've served their purpose and are no longer required.

Socialism is transnational, atheistic and totalitarian.

Socialism destroys what is natural and replaces it with the synthetic.

Socialism will lie, cheat and kill to get what it wants.


Twenty_Rothmans said...

Well, compared to Somalians, West Indians, Pakistanis and Nigerians, I rather doubt what I am about to say will get past an MSM moderator.

And you must admit that some Polish girls are hot.

JuliaM said...

"If this were happening anywhere else in the world, the "righteous" would be up in arms..."

Their silence is indeed damning.

"The country has been turned into one giant livestock farm..."


"I see we have the usual 'the Polish workers are preferred because the British are too lazy' comments on the site. "

I wonder if they are genuine comments, or if someone's being paid for astroturfing?

"... I rather doubt what I am about to say will get past an MSM moderator."


Jiks said...

I know I'm late to the party on this one but ...

The entryism on display in this case is appalling, no disagreement there. However, I work with a bunch of Poles and they ARE really hardworking, polite and reliable.

These are the reasons why they are so popular with our companies, if saying so makes me astroturf then so be it.