Saturday, 16 March 2013

The Things People Say…

George Monbiot on the ethical dilemma of buying a smartphone:
There are dozens of issues… But I will concentrate on just one: are the components soaked in the blood of people from the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo?
Well, I’d hope not! These things are vulnerable enough to getting wet, just with water. Soak ‘em in blood and I think you’d need more than a bag of rice to get them up and running again…

 '30 stone mum' on her dieting dilemma:
She says: 'Sean’s advised me about nutrition and exercise, but I don’t have as much willpower as him. I’m sensitive about my weight so he doesn’t push me.'
He couldn’t! He’d need a bulldozer!

Petrol station supervisor, on the helplessness of the unarmed man:
He added: 'People think that this side of the counter is easy but it is not, it can be frightening. We couldn't go out and help, you can't catch someone who is carrying a knife. How can someone help in this situation without getting hurt themselves?'
I think we'd have to turn to the States for the answer. Or we could continue to wait for the police, who are minutes away when every second counts...


SadButMadLad said...

Moonbat really does need to follow his own advice. Research first before spouting out with rubbish. I know he knows of Tim Worstall and his expertise in metals. But has he read Tim's blog to learn about the metals he's talking about. Nope.

Or if he has, he's deliberately and knowingly lying in order to get more readers commenting on the Guardian's blogs in a last ditch hope to keep the paper going and himself in a job.

Robert said...

In the petrol station, what would have been said if one of the car drivers had, you know, kind of, er, run the knife guy over?

Fidel Cuntstruck said...


That would've been a terrible shame wouldn't it

Anonymous said...

Moonbat will have to do a lot better than that to feature in David Thompson's hilariously excellent "No End in Sight to the Agonies of the Left".

JuliaM said...

"Or if he has, he's deliberately and knowingly lying in order to get more readers commenting on the Guardian's blogs..."

It does sometimes seem as if the dear ol' Grauniad is deliberately trolling its own readers sometimes.

"... what would have been said if one of the car drivers had, you know, kind of, er, run the knife guy over?"

Probably be arrested!

"Moonbat will have to do a lot better than that to feature in David Thompson's hilariously excellent "No End in Sight to the Agonies of the Left"."

I's sure he has it in him! Give him time...