Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Then...Why Send A Firearms Team At All?

Clark, 41, of Horton Road, Brighton, was walking along the beach with a friend on May 18 last year when the two dogs attacked the second man.
Witnesses told how the pair continued to maul the man after he had passed out in the sea. With the dogs out of control, passers-by called the police and a dog unit and armed response team were on the scene in minutes.

Oh. Wait.
But paramedics were unable to get to the injured man until the dogs were subdued. One officer received bite wounds to his leg and hand and was taken to hospital.
Ummm. What happened? Was the Firearms Team scrabbling around in the Quality Street tin to find a live round?
The dogs were later put down.
Why not 'put them down' then and there, and spare your colleagues a mauling? Sorry! Another mauling...


Anonymous said...

I suspect that they were the only units available to attend.

Tatty said...

"why send a firearms teams at all ?"

In answer to your question I'm playing The Jam - Going Underground full blast and singing...

"...a show of strength with yer Boy's Brigade..."

JuliaM said...

"I suspect that they were the only units available to attend."

According to the sadly departed police blog, dog units are rare as hen's teeth now, but they sent one of those too!

"In answer to your question I'm playing The Jam - Going Underground full blast and singing...

"...a show of strength with yer Boy's Brigade...""

Ha ha ha!

The trouble with relying on a 'show of force' is it's expensive and if you never use it, people cotton on.

Hogdayafternoon said...

All one used to do is consider `is the use of force justifiable and necessary and a last resort, in order to protect human life`. Has that changed?

Tatty said...

Julia - "...if you never use it, people cotton on.

Use it and they riot. *shrug* Whatcanyado.

Lurch said...

With the caveat about not being there etc...
I'd say the reason the firearms chaps didn't shoot the dog would be the proximity of people to slavering hound.
I can't say I'd be too keen to shoot a dog hanging off my oppos arm for fear of putting a hole in the wrong body.