Monday, 21 July 2008

No Surprises Here, Surely…?

Many Britons fear their prospects are being limited because of the pressure put on housing and schools by immigrants arriving in the UK, a new report warns.

The claims come as it emerged that £1billion is being spent on putting up foreigners in council houses – despite two million people waiting for a home.

The report, titled Immigration and Social Cohesion in the UK, uncovered a stark divide in how parts of the UK adapt to new migrants.
This report will, do doubt, be either ignored or attacked as ‘propaganda’ by the usual suspects.
Figures obtained by the Conservative MP James Clappson show that nearly £1billion is being spent on putting up foreigners in council houses – despite nearly two million households waiting for a new home.

Parliamentary answers show that 7,000 council houses were rented to foreigners from both inside and outside the European Union in 2006/7.

Given that it costs £134,000 to provide a council house, this means that £938million – including £430million of grants – is spent on providing social housing for foreigners.
It’s difficult to see how the government plans to spin these figures away, especially as they will undoubtedly be picked up by the BNP who already have form for pushing this agenda in areas like Barking and Dagenham.
However a report last month from the Department of Communities and Local Government claimed new migrants were not putting "significant pressure on social housing" because they are ineligible for council housing.
Ah, I see. The government’s response is to put its fingers in its ears and sing ‘la la la I’m not listening la la la’. Well, that’ll work….

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