Saturday, 3 December 2011


Utter scum:
Andrew Suffill, 41, and Michael Jewitt, 26, befriended Graham Duff and took him back to a flat to carry on drinking with him.
Jewitt, of Lindsay Place, west Hull, then struck Mr Duff across the face with an iron bar, causing him to fall to the floor.
Suffill then repeatedly kicked him.
Suffill, of Sydney House, west Hull, held their victim down as Jewitt searched his pockets and stole his money, phone and shopping.
Mr Duff suffered fractures to his eye socket and cheek.
They got relatively good sentences, too. Well, relatively for the UK in 2011, anyway:
Recorder Guy Kearl QC jailed Suffill and Jewitt for a total of almost ten years after they both pleaded guilty to robbery at Hull Crown Court.

Jewitt was jailed for four years and eight months and Suffill imprisoned for five years and three months.
But that probably had something to do with the lengthy criminal records each had:
Jewitt, who has 78 previous convictions for robbery, dishonesty and assaults, was on licence at the time after being released from prison early.
That worked well, didn’t it? Perhaps Mr Duff can sue the Home Office for contributory negligence?
Suffill has 108 previous convictions, including four convictions for robbery.

When are we going to admit that some people are just incorrigible?


Antisthenes said...

It appears that most of these incorrigibles do not fear the consequences of their actions. Is it because they know that the police are so inept that few crimes are actually brought to court and even fewer result in a conviction. Or is it that the punishments mostly doled out these day is a do not be naughty again lecture. Or are prisons so cosy that doing time is more like a fully paid for all inclusive holiday. A regime of zero tolerance, harsher prison sentences and inhospitable prisons would do a lot to reduce crime. The cost of extra prison space would be well compensated for by a more law abiding society and the fact that the cut in crime would save more than the cost of prisons anyway.

Angry Exile said...

Sorry to keep banging on about it but Hirta is a lovely place this time of year. Well, lovely if you haven't been dumped on it and left to rot because you're a scumbag with no desire to reform and who needs to be kept away from people.

dave h said...

Sorry for a comment barely related to your post, but I thought, after seeing the following headline in the Independent', that this wasn't a totally inappropriate place to add a 'sigh':

"Level of 'honour' crimes shows police need more training"

Anonymous said...

Stories like these explain why I use the screen-name Jaded.
Years ago if a crim pleaded guilty the officer in the case was not routinely informed of the result.In a new spirit of openness I now get an email from "victim support" with the sentence.(They also inform the victim if there is one).
99% of the time i'd rather not be told as it's so depressing.

English Viking said...

I've been inside myself, so I know that not all cons are scum, but this dross should be looking at the short end of a rope.

Anonymous said...

You must be working in one of the new 'Enlightenment Zones' Jaded - or have I got the name wrong? I find government policy rather tedious. I doubt even Victims' Support get to know here.
AP's good in bringing these stories to us in such a wry way. I spent 6 weeks around magistrates' courts to do a book chapter. I didn't find much I'd call justice on either side. I've no sympathy with the scrote, but the few obviously not guilty and witnesses got no decent treatment either.

JuliaM said...

" A regime of zero tolerance, harsher prison sentences and inhospitable prisons would do a lot to reduce crime."

It would, certainly. But not quickly, and it seems we have become a 'fix it NOW or don't bother at all' nation...

"...Hirta is a lovely place this time of year."

I still favour Gruinard ;)

"...that this wasn't a totally inappropriate place to add a 'sigh'"

And a /headdesk for good measure!

"Stories like these explain why I use the screen-name Jaded."

I did wonder... :D

Angry Exile said...

I still favour Gruinard ;)

Because of it's microscopic inhabitants? Bad news, mate. It was decontaminated a few years back, so I'd go for distance from the mainland and sparse resources to minimise the possibility of any of them doing a Khan Singh. Not that that's likely - Khan was bright...