Saturday 2 March 2013

Stafford Scott Clutches At Straws…

Unsurprisingly, the media focused on Hutchinson-Foster's conviction for supplying the gun to Duggan. Publicity over the trial has helped to implant firmly in the public's mind that Duggan was armed and dangerous when shot in Tottenham, north London, by Metropolitan police officers.
Well, yes. Because he was. That’s a bit of a problem for your campaign, isn't it? Not one that big booklet of stock phrases will help with, either.

Hmmm. How to turn it around…?
But some important facts have escaped scrutiny. For we now know that Peter Osadebay, Hutchinson-Foster's pistol-whipping victim, immediately informed Hackney police after he had been assaulted. His allegation was supported by CCTV footage, which clearly shows Hutchinson-Foster with a firearm intimidating and then assaulting Osadebay.
Yes. And..?
So it is now clear that the police had a golden opportunity to remove an identified gunman and a firearm off of the streets but somehow managed not to do so.
Oh. Right. I see. Well, that’s one fallback position to take, I suppose…
And this is all the more shocking because the police have a special unit, Trident, established specifically to deal with gun crime in the black community. Given that Hutchinson-Foster was a black man brandishing a gun in broad daylight in Hackney, a Trident "hotspot" borough with a long history of gun and gang activity, it's remarkable if Osadebay's assault claim was not followed up.
I get the feeling it’s not such an uncommon occurrence in that area, though.

And are you really suggesting that the police should have avoided the charges of 'harassment of black men' by, umm, harassing black men some more?
If local officers had followed up and arrested Hutchinson-Foster, the gun might never have reached Mark Duggan, if indeed it did; he would still be alive today; and Tottenham, London, and cities across the country would not have exploded in flames that summer.
Masterful! It’s clearly all the fault of the police after all!
During the trial and retrial of Hutchinson-Foster we heard much about Mark Duggan yet there was nothing to suggest that the police could have avoided the entire incident.
I see nothing in your article to suggest that Duggan could have avoided it, either.

Lame, CiF. Very, very lame.


MTG said...

Organised gangs are the new urban plague, Julia. That a violent, dishonest Untermensch has immediate access to very potent weapons, no longer surprises decent, city residents. Life is cheap to poorly educated individuals who are recruited from backgrounds where the greatest violence resolved dispute or fulfilled any desire.

But enough of plod, the greater current concern is whether all citizens should have restored to them, the right to bear arms.

Fahrenheit211 said...

MTG well said. I'd feel much happier if those few members of my family who are still stuck in one of the worst multikulti shitholes that Labour created were allowed to be armed.

Furor Teutonicus said...

MTG. Great. But even when citizens WERE allowed to "bear arms", can you tell me how many actuakly used them to defend themselves in such cases? (U.K)

The U.S, I agree, although a patchwork of "carrying rights", is a different story.

UNLESS you have gun ownership rights WITH "the right to carry", the argument is rather supurfulous.

(And YES(!), I KNOW that is probably spelled wrong!! :-) )

blueknight said...

Well they could have shot Hutchinson-Foster instead, but there still would have been riots. And Duggan was always going to get a gun from somewhere, so what is Stafford Scotts point?

Anonymous said...

Melvin you are a pompous arse. I bet you patted yourself on the back when you wrote that post above. How many times a day to police fire their guns?If you have any ideas for improvements instead of your normal sniping then we are all ears.

Furor Teutonicus said...

xX blueknight said...

Well they could have shot Hutchinson-Foster instead, XX

They could bring relief to us all, and shoot MTG instead.

Just a thought....

JuliaM said...

"But enough of plod, the greater current concern is whether all citizens should have restored to them, the right to bear arms."

Despite that, they still have problems in the States.

Of course, Obama will sort out part of that problem... :/

"Well they could have shot Hutchinson-Foster instead, but there still would have been riots."


MTG said...

"Of course, Obama will sort out part of that problem... :/"

He cannot fail, Julia.
That knowing wink at the NRA was an ace to be followed by the lawyers' favourite wet dream. You know, the never ending commission for persecuting the law-abiding.

Tatty said...

"the right to bear arms."

Won't somebody pleeeaaase think of the bears ???

Mr Ecks said...

There were less than 100,000 shooters in the UK(not counting shotguns/airguns etc) when the anti-firearms regultion came from that scum Bliar. That is a sad indictment of the British people. How different from before WW1 when "a rifle beside every hearth" was the national policy and anyone could and did carry firearms for self defence entirely unmolested by the state and its costumed thugs.

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