Saturday 19 October 2024

The People That Think Men Can Be Women Speak, Should We Listen?

Top doctors have identified Britain’s immigration system as a “public mental health concern” that inflicts harm on asylum seekers, and risks “re-traumatising” those already affected by psychological distress. The Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPsych) has called on ministers to review immigration laws introduced by the last government, saying Labour had a “moral and ethical obligation” to protect the mental health of those seeking sanctuary in the UK.

Well, I'd be more inclined to listen to your squawking about that if you hadn't spent the last 15 years trying to convince us all that a 6ft 300lb former rugby prop-forward was really a woman because he shaved his legs and put some lippy on. Frankly, I think anything you expound on is suspect as a result.  

“A robust immigration policy can still be guided by human kindness, that is fair and compassionate,” said Dr Lade Smith, the RCPsych president. Smith said many asylum seekers had left countries where they had experienced violence, rape, imprisonment and torture, before enduring further trauma on hazardous journeys to the UK, sometimes at the hands of people traffickers.As a result it was unsurprising that many asylum seekers experienced mental illness and were at risk of re-traumatisation because of the treatment they received on arrival. It was the UK’s duty to make their lives “better and not worse”, she said.

Does the UK government not have a duty to existing UK citizens to make their lives better and not worse, then? And what if importing hundreds of thousands of illiterate Third World moochers conflicts with that?

While the new government had made some welcome policy shifts, including scrapping plans to send asylum seekers to Rwanda, a raft of immigration legislation introduced since 2022 remained in place, she said. These laws criminalised asylum seekers who did not arrive in the UK through established routes, created a more onerous asylum process, and introduced provisions to enable the processing of asylum claims in so-called “third” countries.

All perfectly sensible measures, which is, of course, why you are set against them. 

There was evidence from Australia that in cases where asylum seekers were removed to offshore locations for claims processing, they then had high rates of post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and self-harm, the report says.



DiscoveredJoys said...

Let’s have a national poll recording the names of all people willing to continue accepting illegal immigrants and update their tax codes to recover the additional costs to the country of their preferences. That might raise the cost of 'easy' virtue signalling.

Anonymous said...

These bleeding-heart vermin infect all our public services. I suspect a poll of ordinary people would say overwhelmingly that they are sick of third-world scum coming here, which is why we are never asked.