Saturday 5 October 2024

When Did We Stop Listening To The Headshrinkers?

Because even they are aghast at the news that a school in Scotland is allowing one of its pupils to 'identify' as a wolf:
...clinical neuropsychologist Dr Tommy MacKay insisted last night: 'There is no such condition in science as 'species dysphoria'. It's not surprising that we are seeing this in an age when many people want to identify as something other than they are.
'Now we have a council which appears to accept at face value that a child identifies as a wolf, rather than being told to snap out of it and get to grips with themselves, which would be the common-sense approach.'

That's pretty refreshing. Are even the usual purveyors of woo getting fed up with how far people are taking things? 

The local authority said the pupil belonged to a group who called themselves 'furries' and identified with 'animal persona'. The council said it offered 'personal support' and 'more specific support' from a 'wellbeing worker', including counselling and help with learning, adding: 'There is very little specific guidance on species dysphoria.'

What sort of 'support' are they getting? Hopefully, they are being taught apart from any child who 'identifies' as a lamb? 

It explained that it followed Scottish government guidance called Getting It Right For Every Child (Girfec), and used a 'wellbeing wheel' to support pupils regardless of barriers to learning or challenges they face.

Time to take a leaf out of 'Game Of Thrones' and break the wheel! 

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