Wednesday 23 October 2024

No Great Mystery, They Are Exactly Who We Thought They Were....

The rabble-rousers, the racehustlers, the terminally woke...

But in the days and weeks after his death in September 2022, many big names from Jeremy Corbyn to Diane Abbott and the University of Greenwich called for 'justice' after Mr Kaba was gunned down and killed while trying to flee police.
But the truth is Kaba wasn't just an ordinary motorist going about his daily life on September 5, 2022. He was one of London's most feared gangsters fleeing police, high on cocaine and ready to run over anyone in his way.

No-one really believed he wasn't, surely? And the politicians, like the Mayor of London, would have known this. 

Not that the police themselves are free from criticism of their handling of this case: 

Scotland Yard was last night looking to scrap disciplinary charges against Martyn Blake following his acquittal. The police watchdog, who carried out a seven-month investigation into the shooting of Chris Kaba, decided last year that the sergeant should face a separate gross misconduct hearing relating to his 'use of force' after the conclusion of the criminal case. The Met backed the assessment with its Directorate of Professional Standards agreeing there was a disciplinary 'case to answer' on the 'available evidence'.

But now, they've changed their mind, because they can see that public favour is with them: 

But now the force has abandoned its support of the Independent Office of Police Conduct (IOPC) decision and will be calling for the disciplinary process to be halted after the Met officer was acquitted of Kaba's murder. The revelation Met bosses initially backed the disciplinary will anger firearms officers who say they are not properly supported and face years of investigation if they pull the trigger to protect a life.

It should anger everyone, because it clearly reveals the Met Police top brass as honourless cowards who do whatever they think will garner them favourable headlines, and not what they believe is the right and lawful thing to do.   

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