Thursday 24 October 2024

When Did 'Round Up The Usual Suspects'...

....become 'Just nick anyone who might be in charge so we can claim to be doing something and we'll sort it all out later'?
Detective Chief Inspector Neil Third, of the Major Crime Investigation Team, said: 'Our heartfelt thoughts and condolences are with the families and loved ones of those who tragically died and they are being supported by officers.
'As part of our investigation, we have made one arrest to enable us to establish whether there have been actions or omissions which are grossly negligent and gather as much information as we can about what has happened.
'It is important to note that the arrest process also provides certain legal protection to individuals and I would ask for the media and public to avoid speculating any further now that legal proceedings are active.'

If you think that means the actions of your team in arresting someone before you even know the cause of this incident won't face scrutiny, you're dead wrong. 

The suspect was arrested just hours after police said the deaths were being treated as 'unexplained' and possible carbon monoxide posioning is the 'primary line of inquiry.'

And if it turns out the cause is faulty equipment and she's not to blame? You'll just let this lady go with a 'Sorry about that!' knowing full well that if she sues, the taxpayer will pick up the tab, I suppose...

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