Monday 28 February 2022

Quote Of The Month

Batsby on modern life:
"People around the world suffer floods, droughts, hunger, incarceration, slavery and all manner of other privations, yet we in the west complain if we can’t get precisely what we want when we want. Infantile longing for stuff we can’t afford drives young men to lease ridiculous cars to advertise a status they have yet to and may never earn. And marketing inventiveness and cunning relentlessly promotes such excesses as botoxed brows and unbelievably ugly pneumatic lips. What is wrong with us? Why can’t we learn to live with what we’ve got, accept we’ve largely got what we need, and appreciate the effort of working harder for what we desire?"


Stonyground said...

"What is wrong with us? Why can’t we learn to live with what we’ve got, accept we’ve largely got what we need, and appreciate the effort of working harder for what we desire?"

Many of us do I think. My wife and I have worked away diligently and now have pretty much everything that we need. Now retired, we concentrate a lot on staying fit.

JuliaM said...

"Many of us do I think."

I'd certainly like to think so. But the other sort are clearly more 'newsworthy', sad to say...