Friday 4 February 2022

But Judge, Protecting The Public Is Your Job...

Remember this case from October?

Mitigating, Christopher Martin said: “He has vulnerabilities such as autism and language difficulties. He also suffered emotional harm at school and the training centre he’s been in.
“He has extremely complex needs and whilst prison may protect the public it will not help his difficulties

Who cares? It'll protect the public, and that's the main thing here! 

Southend Crown Court heard on Friday how the attack lead to a family losing thousands of pounds in wages and even a school prom’s security had to be ramped up.

Does the judge take this into account? Reader, he does not: 

Sentencing the teenager, Judge Shane Collery said the youngster did not intend to cause harm and was probably reckless.

*rolls eyes* 

He said: “One of the victims is a community person and doesn’t want any vengeance. I do not accept this was excessive self defence.
“Another has a permanent face scar. He’s very self conscious about.
“I’ve heard about the absent father of the teenager. Another victim has been sitting in court crying. I can see nobody wants that at all.
A training centre did no good but with bail and school he’s not reoffended.”

He's not going to see any jail time, is he? 

He was handed an 18 month youth rehabilitation order, with supervision, work for emotions and relationships and exploitation.
A curfew from 9pm and 7am was imposed with a three year restraining order.

Thought not.  


The Jannie said...

We see this every day when watching British cop shows on TV: retirement does lower your tolerance! The fuzz put heart and soul into - and often take personal risks - pulling offenders only to see the magistrates impose farcical sentences. They can only wonder why they bother.
If any of the assembled company also watch "Police Interceptors" am I the only one who thinks that Sergeant Aplin in Lincolnshire, with his deliberately mutilated hat, looks a total bellend and needs to be told so by his managers?

Bucko said...

At least he didn't send a tweet. Extremely complex needs would not have saved him then

JuliaM said...

"We see this every day when watching British cop shows on TV..."

Yup, it's no wonder the good ones leave early. I couldn't stand it.

"At least he didn't send a tweet. Extremely complex needs would not have saved him then"

Or misgender someone!