Wednesday 6 October 2021

Agreeing To 'No More Issues' - Yr Doin' It Wrong!

It was agreed with family and friends they would all meet and agree there would be no more issues between the pair.
But instead the teenager got out of the car with a sword and started swinging it around and threatening victims, the court heard.

Oh, well, that didn't go as planned! 

The teenager, who can’t named as he is under 18, is on trial charged with a host of offences in connection with the incident which took place on March 25.

A 'host'..? 

“The defendant led the group to Gardener Avenue, Corringham and he got out the car with a sword and flicked it at the man and cut his chin and cheek and it was quite a serious cut.
“He was singing (sic) the sword around, described as a samurai sword.
“He also hit the man, and a woman and a girl who suffered bruising and swelling to her face.
“He was described as being irate and also rattled and threatening the three victims, while asking the man where his knife was.
“The girl suffered a barrage of punches with about five to the body and one to her face. The man got back in his car and called the police and discovered he was bleeding heavily.”

What a lovely chap! 


MTG1 said...

The sort of material to end up in plod uniform. Seems to have all the qualities necessary for violent kidnap, rape and murder.

Anonymous said...

Imagine if the police tasered this "child". The Twitterati would go mad.

PS Melvin-did you stop going to the doctor after the Shipman case? You were the demographic he was killing.


MTG said...

Obviously, 'demographic' is not a word with which you are familiar, WC Jaded. It is an adjective and your incorrect usage only further establishes 'educatid' credentials.

Anonymous said...

Playing the man not the ball again MTG. Are you familiar with the words boring, repetitive, pompous, annoying, half-wit, nutter and sad?

Anonymous said...

An intensive course in Grammar and Punctuation would mask a very poor education, WC Jaded. Just write modestly and avoid using big words you do not understand. You are not (as you claim to be elsewhere) either middle class, intelligent or 'educatid'.

Misrepresenting yourself as you do, is wholly counterproductive. I could not possibly speculate on the root of your stupidity but a chronic inferiority complex is plainly evident. Anyone making fun of these character flaws will incur your wrath, WC Jaded. It may result in you jumping on 'there' car bonnet and smashing your baton through 'there' windscreen. Such regular scenarios are made worse by the predisposition of other corrupt plod, to perjure themselves in order to cover your adipose arse. But motorists are wising up to the Criminal Acts of Plod and the former are more likely to expose conspiracies through precautionary installation of dashcams.

Anonymous said...

"The teenager, who can’t named as he is under 18,......"
To avoid any accusations of racism, I can only assume that the cretins involved in this are all pearly white Welsh baptists, or Seventh Day Adventists?

Anonymous said...

Obviously a full moon last night

JuliaM said...

"The sort of material to end up in plod uniform."

I'm sure their strict vetting and spot-on psychological examinations would prevent that... 😏

"Imagine if the police tasered this "child". The Twitterati would go mad."

Only the ones not worth following. I'd hand them extra batteries.

"To avoid any accusations of racism, I can only assume that the cretins involved in this are all pearly white Welsh baptists, or Seventh Day Adventists?"

In this part of Essex, probably fish-belly white...