Tuesday 12 October 2021

Maybe We Should Get The Taxpayer's View On 'Cheating'..?

A 24-year-old care-leaver who has been stuck in mouse-infested, damp-ridden temporary accommodation for three years feels she has been “cheated out of the system.”

She's 24? When did she leave care? And what has she done with her life since? 

Bianca Littlejohn was moved by Lewisham Council to a multiple occupancy property with her seven-year-old daughter on Inchmery Road, Catford, in 2018 after being evicted from a housing association flat for failure to pay arrears in 2018.

Ah. Of course. Breed on the taxpayer's dime.  

As a care-leaver under 25, she received guidance from a personal advisor, who instructed her to apply for housing directly through the council. Ms Littlejohn believes she was improperly advised, and could have instead applied for housing through social services, which would have meant her status as a care-leaver was taken into account.

If she's aware of the rules, why does she need an adviser? 

"I know other people who've been given as second chance under social services," Ms Littlejohn said. "I should have been, and I haven’t."

One might say that your second chance has come and gone. You squandered it when you failed to pay your rent. 



Scrobs. said...

It's an odd conundrum when the more stupid you are the more you believe that you're 'entitled' to something or other.

Love the term 'Breeding on the tax-payer's dime'! Should be the title of a song, but of course, the BBC would never play it!

Bucko said...

Preggers at 16 / 17, three mouse infested years without getting a job and a place of her own, two of them with the kid at school age.
Her daughter doesn't stand a chance, does she

MTG1 said...

Put me down for -25, please.

Nemisis said...

But, she's not thick or uneducated if she can say "I should have been, and I haven’t." when many would have said "..should of been..."
Of course, maybe the "journalist" didn't quote her exactly!

Anonymous said...

The comments are interesting as always.
She will leech off the taxpayer for ever, so will her offspring.
No mention of the baby father I notice.

JuliaM said...

"It's an odd conundrum when the more stupid you are the more you believe that you're 'entitled' to something or other."

It must be taught in schools. It's certainly more successful than reading and writing...

"Her daughter doesn't stand a chance, does she..."

Nope! If I'm still blogging in 13 years time, I'll look out for her appearance in these pages.

"Of course, maybe the "journalist" didn't quote her exactly!"

You think the journalist would be educated..?

"No mention of the baby father I notice."

There never is. Perhaps she can't recall its name?