Wednesday 20 October 2021

Well, Why Not, There's Plenty Of Free Time In The Teaching Curriculum...

Children need to be taught how to treat illnesses themselves in an effort to ease GP workloads, NHS bosses say.
One includes the 'Dr Me' programme, which sees children given an hour lesson by medical students on self-care techniques and 'appropriate use of NHS services' for problems such as vomiting and diarrhoea.
And if that hour has to be taken away from teaching them to write properly, well, they can always be doctors when they grow up!


The Jannie said...

It's time to get rid of said "NHS bosses", then: that would be a good start "pour encourager les autres" and reduce its wasting our money. Some real management could be brought in to give us the service we're paying for.

Stonyground said...

Actually, I think that I wasted an enormous amount of time at school learning stuff that I have never needed to use again once I had left. Learning useful life skills would, in my view, be time better spent. Household budgeting and money management would be a better thing to teach in maths lessons rather than quadratic equations.

JuliaM said...

"It's time to get rid of said "NHS bosses", then"

Yup! But Sajid hasn't got the balls for it, just like Boris.

"Actually, I think that I wasted an enormous amount of time at school learning stuff that I have never needed to use again once I had left."

Mine comes in handy in daytime quuizzes.. ;)