Saturday 19 March 2022

This Is What Some 'Medical Professionals' Now Think...

Wait, what? What random Twitter loon could possibly spout such arrant nonsense? 

Let's have a look at the bio to see if it sheds some lig...



Vova said...

Just another half-arsed grifting sociologist - the so-called 'health professions' are full of them. I always wondered why the medics put up with them - I think it's because they're a bit embarrassed that medicine isn't really a science and think that social science is.

Ed P said...

Do these idiots actually, truly believe that 2+2=5, as in 1984, or are they just going along with he current madness to protect their jobs? Reminds me of the way Crocodile Dundee found that the 'woman' in the bar was male - he grabbed his crutch. Much hilarity ensued.
This simple test could be applied to dodgy types trying to enter women's areas & toilets.
I don't care what or who anyone wished to pretend to be, but don't allow such tolerance to endanger others.

CJ Nerd said...

This surely must be a case of obstructing the Police in the execution of their duty.

CJ Nerd said...

More here:

JuliaM said...

"I always wondered why the medics put up with them..."

I wonder why WE put up with them!

"Reminds me of the way Crocodile Dundee found that the 'woman' in the bar was male - he grabbed his crutch. Much hilarity ensued."

I wonder if they cut that bit out on reruns now?

"This surely must be a case of obstructing the Police in the execution of their duty."

Have they actually managed to take action yet? I'd be surprised...