Tuesday 25 July 2023

The People He Held Hostage Weren't...

The report detailed how on 16 June 2016 Lewis-Ranwell set fire to a wardrobe in his north Devon hospital room.
When the fire alarms sounded "he blocked the exit from the ward and then barricaded himself and other patients into the ward lounge" in what staff called a "hostage-taking" incident.
Police did not attend at the time of the incident as Mr A "was in a safe space", the report said.
...and nor were the elderly people he went on to kill when the medical authorities decided to one-up the police in the game of 'Who Can Screw Up Worst?'.
The review also detailed how at one point a hospital changed Lewis-Ranwell's diagnosis without explanation in his records and released him twice into the community without oversight of his "long-term needs".
When Lewis-Ranwell moved to France in 2017 Devon NHS Partnership Trust discharged him from mental health after care - without evidence he no longer needed after care and against the Mental Health Act Code of Practice.
And no-one will see any jail time or even suffer any consequences for failing in the most basic duties of care.


Umbongo said...

And, of course, no-one - literally no-one - (except the lunatic's victims) will suffer any consequences of this complete failure by the employees of those organs of the state involved. BTW rest assured that lessons have not been learned and a repeat of this kind of thing is certain.

Northish said...

Would we be surprised if Mr Lewis-Ranwell was a user of cannabis?

Boganboy said...

I do like the way he's suing for compensation since he wasn't prevented from killing his victims.

JuliaM said...

"And, of course, no-one - literally no-one - (except the lunatic's victims) will suffer any consequences of this complete failure by the employees of those organs of the state involved."

No, indeed. *sighs*

"Would we be surprised if Mr Lewis-Ranwell was a user of cannabis?"

Not in the slightest. In these cases, it's almost a given.

"I do like the way he's suing for compensation since he wasn't prevented from killing his victims."

One upping the 'pleading for clemency on behalf of being an orphan'!