Tuesday 22 October 2024

More Met DEI Hire Woes...

A former Met Police detective who sprayed her neighbour with a garden hose after a row about her dog’s waste has been found to have committed gross misconduct.
The tribunal ruled the former officer would have been handed a final written warning for her “intimidating” behaviour had she not already left the force.

*sighs* Still, neighbour disputes, eh? They happen. Is one incident really a sign she's not good at her j... 

In another incident, the panel heard how DS Chinn also sprayed one of her neighbours in a separate ‘urine’ row in May 2022, which she denied.


“The Panel has found that former DS Chinn knew, by 24th May 2022 at the latest, what was happening and rather than finding an alternative to the washing arrangements, she carried on regardless, in full knowledge of the distress it was causing.”
However, it said there was no evidence “any of the misconduct was pre-planned”, but that DS Chinn “ought to have known better than to act in the way she did.”

Maybe look again at your hiring processes? 

It added the behaviour “has been out of character” and that she may have perceived her neighbour’s actions as provocative.

Try not to employ women who think neighbours who object to a constant stream of dog waste are being unreasonable, perhaps? 

1 comment:

DAD said...

By resigning she did not take the decision on the Chinn.