Tuesday 24 January 2012

This Is Major League Extracting Of The Urine, Even By Liverpool Standards!

The mother of a four-year-old boy who was savaged and killed by an illegal breed of dog has written to the Prime Minister calling for a change in the law.
A four-year-old boy mauled to death by a..? Could it be..?

Why, yes! Amazingly, it is!

Wait, wait…

*gets popcorn*

OK, go ahead! What’s the change you are demanding, hmm? Chav families to be unable to own dogs, perhaps?
She said she had written to the Prime Minister calling for tougher dog laws which would see them muzzled both in public places and in owners' homes.

I’m sorry? All dogs?

Mrs Smith’s elderly Pomeranian? Mr Granger’s arthritic old Peke? They should all be muzzled 24/7/365 in their own homes because you let your four-year-old get eaten by your own family dog, FFS?
John-Paul's mother Angela McGlynn told BBC Breakfast that the family believed Uno was an American bulldog and they were not aware of any dangerous dog lists.

It’s a wonder you weren’t hounded (pardon the pun) off the set by incredulous laughter...
Ms McGlynn added muzzling dogs indoors as well as outdoors was the only way to stop dogs doing "any lasting damage".
Oh, well, why listen to common sense and expert opinion when you can be lectured on responsible courses of action by people (and I use that word advisedly) like these?
She said she had received a reply from David Cameron, who said her proposals would be "taken into consideration".
Yes, well, something you are probably too dim to realise is that it’s the polite, Whitehall way of saying ‘Yes, dear…’ before it gets filed in the round file.

No doubt after the office staff have had a good laugh at your chutzpah…
She said: "All I want to do is raise pet awareness basically, because you do think when the dog is brought up as part of the family it becomes part of the furniture and you don't expect it, and it did happen, and it does happen and it doesn't have to happen. It's not down to the owners. I know some dogs are mistreated but some dogs aren't and they do turn and I would just say rather safe than sorry, really."
Oh, on that, you’re quite right. I think the world would be a far better place without indiscriminate breeding and training of the young to be unsociable dangerous nuisances.

When do we wise up and start to fit muzzles to the likes of you?


Clarissa said...

A muzzle wouldn't stop her breeding. A chastity belt however...

Kennel club said...

We had a Shih Tzu. A government approved device would have been hard to fit as the little dog had virtually no nuzzle to muzzle.

David Gillies said...

I wouldn't put it past Stuntman Dave and his limp-dicked LibDem sidekicks to introduce some witless and illiberal nonsense in response to this. From their point of view, it's cost-free headline-generation of the "something must be done, this is something, therefore we must do it" variety.

I hate them all so very much.

Dr Evil said...

Utterly bonkers idea. We have three chihuahuas. Where the hell can I get muzzles to fit them anyway? Why do parents of self-inlicted pain try to screw up the lives of everuyone else? We know what is paved with good intentions. Nanny is doing this all the damn time!

Demetrius said...

Harry Redknapp seems to like bulldogs, he named his Monaco bank account after one of them. As well as the dogs he would advised well to muzzle his central defenders as well.

Anonymous said...

whass dat, de danjerous dogs what? wha' a liss o' danjeruss dogs eh? Eh? EH? EH?E EH? Wha' even for uzz in livverpoooool,? Weeeeee're nut aloud to have a nice frenly terrier like? EH?EH?EH?EH?EH? I've not 'erd of it, dass racialism dat iss, eh? eh? eh? eh? Yeah' yooo dere mate wid da clipboard do sumtin abaht it whydoncha!

RAB said...

Permenently muzzled eh?

So how do you feed 'em? through a fuckin straw?

Our's would go bonkers with a muzzle on. She's as gentle as a lamb. Us responsible owners know this sort of shit as a matter of course. I wouldn't keep a dog if that became the Law, too damn cruel.

It is the lady who should not be let out and about without strict supervision.

Captain Haddock said...

"muzzled both in public places and in owners' homes" ..

Unfortunately, I've been obliged to visit Liverpool a few times in the past and have seen ample evidence to support McGlynn's view ..

Most of the dogs whom I saw on the streets, particularly in the late evenings .. needed muzzling 24/7/365 .. this would have had the double benefits of reducing their alcohol intake as well as noise levels .. ;)

jaded said...

I'm not allowed to discriminate against blacks,gays,muslims etc but surely an exception should be made for Scousers?

Anonymous said...

Did you see 'Death Row Dogs' on the Beeb this evening. I think these whingeing scouse scum made an appearance at the end of this excellent documentary about the underclass and their 'pets'. I really think they should be harvested for their organs after 5 years on full benefits!

Anonymous said...

Just another case of 'it's everybody else's fault but the one responsible'.

So instead of the well earned guilt for placing her child in a position to be killed, she'll be a vindictive crusader against dogs from now on. Hardly an unusual occurrence in this messed up modern world - nothing is ever anyones fault anymore, there's always a convenient scapegoat around (and if there isn't, make one up).

I wonder how much money she'll accumulate from interviews, appearances and quotes.

Did I mention I was a cynic. the one problem with this is that I get depressed at how often my most cynical views turn out to fall short of the mark.

JuliaM said...

"A muzzle wouldn't stop her breeding. A chastity belt however..."

And here I always assumed her personality would be the best contraceptive...

"A government approved device would have been hard to fit as the little dog had virtually no nuzzle to muzzle."


"I wouldn't put it past Stuntman Dave and his limp-dicked LibDem sidekicks to introduce some witless and illiberal nonsense in response to this."

Nor would I, nor indeed would I...

" Why do parents of self-inlicted pain try to screw up the lives of everuyone else?"

More to the point, why do we take them seriously and assist in their public hair-shirt wearing?

JuliaM said...

"Permenently muzzled eh?

So how do you feed 'em? through a fuckin straw?"


"Did you see 'Death Row Dogs' on the Beeb this evening."

I've got it on record. I doubt their organs would be much use, other than as pet food...

"So instead of the well earned guilt for placing her child in a position to be killed, she'll be a vindictive crusader against dogs from now on. "

Hardly surprising, as you point out. Isn't one of the 'Mothers Against Guns' groups headed by the mother of a gangster who - for once - got on the wrong end of one?

It never seems to get mentioned whenever she's interviewed and fawned over. Unless there's a comment thread, of course!