Friday 26 May 2023

Hard To Argue, Isn't It?

Sometimes you see something that sums up the state of play in the UK. And this is one of those times.


The Jannie said...

"You will go to prison for seven years and pay one million pounds from your prison wages - if any - of two pounds fifty per week."

Nurse! I'll have my medication now . . . .

Judd said...

Depriving the state or its mates from the massive wealth they believe themselves entitled to has always attracted heavy punishment.

Us of the peasant class are not as equal as our masters, hence the discrepencies in punishment.

Barbarus said...

"Thankfully, our plain clothes officers were there ..."

Thankfully indeed. If her father had got there first, no doubt he'd be doing at least seven years for aggravated assault or some such.

JuliaM said...

"Us of the peasant class are not as equal as our masters, hence the discrepencies in punishment."

Spot on!

"If her father had got there first, no doubt he'd be doing at least seven years for aggravated assault or some such."

Yes, they hate competition that shows them up...