Tuesday 9 May 2023

What A Time To Be Alive Pt 78354

Chavshrines for dogs

And it's only May! What will December bring, I wonder?

Officers were seen in a heated row with the man as he continued to hold on to his dogs and attempt to calm them down.
This is a plain lie. At no point does he attempt to calm them down. If he'd secured them to a railing and walked away, they'd still be alive (until their inevitable final appointment with the vet) and he wouldn't have had to be tasered.

The Met Police has cleared two officers of misconduct who shot dead the 'out-of-control' pets in east London. The dog's owner was also tasered by cops and arrested in Limehouse, east London, at around 5pm on Sunday.
Louie Turnbull, 46, was today charged with being the owner of a dog that was dangerously out of control and that he had custody of a dog while disqualified from owning or keeping a dog. Turnbull appeared in custody at Thames Magistrates' Court today.

Anyone think this will make the 'awww, poor doggies!' mob think again? 


Bucko said...

"Whitnesses tell of their horror at seeing woman mauled, and relief that the dogs were shot."
If I was a whitness, anyway

Anonymous said...

Dogs lives matters.

MTG said...

Careless comments posted without regard to grammatical sense, correct spelling and punctuation, irritate like gnat-bites. Bites best ameliorated in the knowledge that some moronic contributor was handed a fixed penalty ticket for each offence...and perhaps a bonus penalty when said comment amounted to a feeble, three-word construction.

Northish said...

There wiv the angles now.

JuliaM said...

"If I was a whitness, anyway"

Me too!

"Dogs lives matters."

Black dogs lives matter, Jaded.

"There wiv the angles now."
