Monday 23 October 2023

Why Would You Want To Represent Them?

Labour councillors are said to be very uneasy over the protest ban, with one saying: “How do we show solidarity to the communities who voted for us to be their voice and represent them?

You're Labour councillors - ignoring the wishes of your constituents is usually second-nature, so why should this be any different? 

Delivering a speech at the University of Leeds on Thursday, Lady Warsi said the response to recent protests was an example of how Muslims are “judged by a harsher standard” and made to feel that they “don’t matter” in society.

That's why they are never out of the papers whinging about stuff, I guess. 

She warned that the lack of action over the issue could lead to devastating outcomes, citing recent government figures on hate crime showing that “once again Muslims are the most targeted religious group”.

Gosh, I wonder why that could be? If it's even true. 

The Guardian has seen another letter to Starmer from at least 72 Labour councillors who are facing pressure from their local communities to resign over the party’s stance. Remaining anonymous over fear of losing their positions, they told the leader, “we respectfully urge you to recognise the Palestinian struggle and the root causes of this ongoing conflict” otherwise “Muslims will not vote for the Labour party in the next election should you remain leader”.

Who are you going to vote for, then? 


James Higham said...

They can vote for the new Deport Party.

Anonymous said...

I do love to see Lefty scum squirming when two minorities are involved .

Fahrenheit211 said...

What this exodus of far lefties and Muslims from Labour is showing us is that there is a massive amount of support for Islamic extremism dressed up as a 'national liberation movement' within the Labour Party. I very much doubt that those who have resigned from Labour represent the entirety of those who are of that point of view as I reckon that there must be many more like then in Labour but they have the savvy to keep their heads down but they will probably emerge post GE should Starmer win.

If Labour is indeed full of pro 'Palestine' fuckwits despite the recent huffy resignations then it doesn't make me feel easy about the idea of a Labour Govt.

Mudplugger said...

The Labour Party's dilemma is simple electoral arithmetic. There are 5 million Muslim votes concentrated in small areas, there are only 250,000 Jewish votes widely distributed. If a party leader ever dares to incline towards the Jewish line, bang goes a shedload of guaranteed votes in large blocks which win seats. Jewish votes are only ever marginal, as they are so thinly spread.
The crack in Starmer's arse will be seriously tested as he tries to sit on both those positions simultaneously.

Umbongo said...

It starts with the Jews but, rest assured. it doesn't end with them. We saw over the last two weekends the forces of law and order in London buckling quite willingly to the trojan horse of militant Islam. Unless the powers that be resile from their policies of (not so) slow surrender to the Moslem minority in the UK, I would advise my Jewish friends and neighbours to make plans for a speedy exit from the UK. There is no future here for them.

As for the rest of us; we will be tolerated for a few years until the Umma swallows the UK whole. I fear our children - certainly our grandchildren - will be paying the jizya before the end of the century (unless they convert, of course).

Addolff said...

1. Migrate
2. Populate
3. Agitate - for THEIR rights
4. Populate some more
5. Dominate

Stage 5 requires <30 %.

Expect the launch of a ‘Moslem UK’ party (black rosette with Arabic writing?) in the not too distant future

JuliaM said...

"They can vote for the new Deport Party."


"I do love to see Lefty scum squirming when two minorities are involved ."

Yet they unerringly choose the wrong one...

"...but they have the savvy to keep their heads down but they will probably emerge post GE should Starmer win."

I think Labour will win, but whether Starmer's at the head of it when it does is not a foregone conclusion.

"The Labour Party's dilemma is simple electoral arithmetic. "

Indeed, sadly.

"It starts with the Jews but, rest assured. it doesn't end with them. "

Nope, we just can't seem to learn those lessons of histort, can we?

"Expect the launch of a ‘Moslem UK’ party (black rosette with Arabic writing?) in the not too distant future"

By this time next year, I reckon.