Saturday 28 September 2024

A Rose By Any Other Name...

...might not pass muster at the Passport Office, because they are all stupid:
Parents who want to name their children after Disney characters, global brands, football teams or sci-fi heroes may well want to think again, as it could make travelling a nightmare in time to come. That was the scenario facing one family this week when they faced missing a dream holiday to the Dominican Republic because of their son's name. A passport application for youngster Loki Skywalker Mowbray was thrown out by Home Office officials 'for copyright issues'.
Incorrectly, actually - this story has already surfaced and been blown out of the water once. So much for civil servants 'learning lessons'.
His disappointed father, soldier and massive Star Wars fan Christian Mowbray, 48, from Woodbridge, Suffolk, was told to change his son's name or get permission from the copyright owner Disney to use the name 'Skywalker'. While the Home Office has since U-turned on their decision, their experience serves as a cautionary tale to others - including people considering changing their birth names by deed poll - not to fall foul of the Home Office's pernickety rules for passports.

They don't need to, the Home Office needs to ensure the people that 'work' there understand the rules. Something they seem to find hard to do.  

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