Wednesday 4 September 2024

Streaming TV: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (Paramount)

I didn't bother with Paramount, I had too many other services on the go, so I missed this first time around. But Apple TV offered the entire first season to buy and download, so I treated myself. And I was impressed!

If the 'Star Trek: Discovery' season 1 hadn't ended so badly (I really liked the direction it appeared to be taking, until that penultimate episode) this slot might well have been taken by that show instead. But they dropped the ball and Anson Mount's team picked it up and scored that touchdown in grand style. This is so very reminiscent of 'old' Trek, only with 2023 CGI.


Bucko said...

I found Discovery to be almost unwatchable from the first episode. I only continued with it as I'm an avid trekkie, but it only got slightly better. I stopped after season two.
SNWs Was a bit better from the start, but got worse. I barely managed the whole thing, almost giving up in disgust afetr the 'musical' episode.

And niether one seemed to care a damn about continuity. Maybe they were written to draw new people into the Trek world, but they didn't cater for hardcore Trekkies who would spot a continuity error straight off, and both were riddled with them

Anonymous said...

I can recall watching the original series in the '60's, and, initially, thought it was a breath of fresh in science fiction (I'm a great fan of good SF). Then realised it was a form of the western series, "Wagon Train", in space, with Kirk as the wagon master, and Spock as the Flint McCullough character (a white man raised by the Apache, and thus of two worlds). Apart from a few instances, all the aliens were humanoid, comfortable with an earth like atmosphere and gravity, with body and facial gestures definitely earth like, and usually spoke with an American accent.
Personally, I think the best ever Star Trek story was "Galaxy Quest" , itself being a parody of a series that had turned into a parody. Now waiting for Ant and Dec to make guest appearances (beings from the colony Jordy IV), then it would be complete.

JuliaM said...

"I found Discovery to be almost unwatchable from the first episode."

It was a very 'Marmite' show, but I loved the character of Capt Lorca, such a difference from the usual bland hero-type. A shame it went in the direction it did :(

"Personally, I think the best ever Star Trek story was "Galaxy Quest"..."

Oh, that was SUCH a brilliant film!