Thursday, 19 December 2024

It’s Up To Her, She Could Always Go With Him

A husband and wife face enforced separation because the Home Office wants to put him on a deportation flight to Pakistan on Tuesday, leaving his wife in the UK.
Give her a ticket too, problem solved!
The couple, both 37, have been together for 14 years in the UK where they met. They are fearful of being publicly identified as they say if the husband is forced on to a plane on Tuesday he would have to go into hiding, as he fled an arranged marriage in Pakistan and his intended fiancee then killed herself.They say that they will be at risk from both the man’s and the fiancee’s family if one or both of them is returned to Pakistan, their home country.

Thry are both claiming asylum on that basis. 

The couple both claimed asylum on the basis of being at risk because of the man fleeing the arranged marriage but their claim has been refused by the Home Office. The wife is a dependant on her husband’s asylum claim.

But Pakistan's cultural mores aren't our problem to fix, are they? It's not like they are likely to ever be an asset to the UK, after all: 

“We have not committed any crimes, we just want to be together. My husband ran away from an arranged marriage and we married for love. My husband has mental health problems and I have many physical health problems including diabetes.”

*rolls eyes* 

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