Friday, 20 December 2024

Who Is Bankrolling This?

Is it us, the long-suffering taxpayer? I bet it is....

Pub bosses and punters working at Saracens Head pubs across the UK have rallied around a landlord who is being taken to court by a convicted terrorist because he is 'deeply offended' by the name.
Khalid Baqa, who was jailed for four years for preparing Jihadi propaganda, has sparked outrage by trying to win nearly £2,000 from the Saracens Head Inn in Chesham, Buckinghamshire. He described the 'depiction of a bearded Arab/Turk' on the pub's sign as racist and also insisted the depiction 'incites violence'.

For once, they aren't rolling over for a quiet life.  

Pub landlord Robbie Hayes has vowed to fight back against the lawsuit - and he is being backed by other Saracens Head establishments across the UK.

Good for them! If only other organisations had done the same, maybe this cheeky little shit wouldn't be trying his luck. 

Baqa has filed a 'claim of money' form an application to county court for a sum of cash a person believes they are owed. His application was previously referred to a small claims court.

Why wasn't it simply thrown out then and there?

H/T: Macheath via comments 


DAD said...

Why wasn't he simply thrown out [of the country] then and there [after he had served his time in prison, or (even better) after he was convicted] ?

Macheath said...

I like the way that, in the interests of reporting the story in full, Mail staff effectively embarked on a pub crawl of ‘Saracen’s Heads’ across the country in order to find out how just offended their patrons are about the story.

Journalism at its finest!

Anonymous said...

I would suggest that, unless Phil Shiner's mates get involved, there is little chance of a civil court case even starting, let alone being proved. However, there have already been alternative suggestions if the name has to be changed. The two I like most, are "The Knight Templar" and "The Vexatious Litigant". No doubt others can come up with options.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to add what would this moron do, if his demand is not met? Depending on his answer, Demanding Money with Menaces is a criminal offence.