Saturday, 14 January 2012

Have You Really Thought That Through..?

I'm pretty used to the sort of idea-bankrupt wibble spouted by Labour politicians, but one usually stands head, double chins and shoulders above every other one of the bunch.

Yup, it's Diane 'Does My Arse Look Big In...Yeah, Silly Question' Abbott. As Bucko points out, making her the shadow minister for health has meant that people are now lectured on obesity by a woman roughly the size of a small shed.

But I have to wonder just what they must have been thinking when she pauses from cramming pies into her gob long enough to suggest this:
Over-protective parents must let their children play in the street to save them from obesity, Labour's Diane Abbott has told the Standard.
Ms Abbott, the shadow public health minister, said: "I think London kids are especially at risk because so many mums and dads are fearful about letting them play in the streets. I think parents need to be tougher on their kids' diets to save them from ill-health. Carrying on with the chips and PlayStation 3 culture is not an option."
You first, then, eh? Oh, and are you really sure you want to suggest this, given what all the other racemongers have been beavering away at 'proving'?

Comments are, as ever, hilarious, but I did find this one the best:
The kids seem quite fit to me. Did you see how quickly they were getting away with their looted goods last Summer?

- John L, London, UK


jaded said...

This woman is beyond parody but must be encouraged to open her mouth at all times so people realise what an idiot she is.
Kids in Hackney should either never go out or must learn to run very very fast.

Tattyfalarr said...

Ooooh...just look at all those "initiatives" on Road Safety for People Who Aren't White. Wow. Someone has got money to burn eh.

Being taught to how cross the road...which these days mostly consists of pressing a button and waiting for a Pavlovian *BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP*... and not wearing dark clothes at night isn't enough for Everyone ?

Makes you wonder if black and ethnic minorites have any dignity left when they actively allow these depths of patronisation by people... who actually couldn't give a shit whether they live or die so long as the money keeps rolling in...just as long as they are the same colour.

That went sort of o/t from the main topic sorry but I cannot discuss that woman and use even that description loosely. I am violently (to a psychotic extent) averse to her. :|

Demetrius said...

Just across from us is a large 1960's residential area designed to allow play areas and all that. Even when there are traffic free streets there is very little play. Also, we are usually two of very few people walking. Does tha lady have any idea of the world she is living in?

Anonymous said...

For all the fat girls in the whole wide world

Ranking Dread.

Like Professor Emeritus John Grieve CBE, QPM, BA(Hons), MPhil I too had a Bob Marley LP in the late 1970's (I didn't wear the t-shirt under my job shirt though - maybe I should have and got some letters after me name)!

A salt and battered said...

Don't bother counting calories. Far easier to eat whatever you fancy, then submit to a viewing of Ms Abbott, slaughtering Chopin at the keyboard. It's an entirely natural emetic.

You know, that video nasty showing a coal-black, right hand plonking treble keys. Stubby, unsure digits in weird partnership with some slim caucasian hand in the bass.

Daily viewing assures a significant weight loss for the obese. It is particularly helpful procedure for those having problems with access to and egress from, London cabs.

Mick Turatian said...

This woman ... must be encouraged to open her mouth at all times

..cos all tha yams, plantain an sweet potato not going to find tha way in past clamped lips an clenched teeth.

Captain Haddock said...

There are no kids to play out in the streets where she lives .. she's eaten 'em all ..

Q .. Why does Diane Abbott always eat with her legs wide open ?

A .. To keep the bluebottles off her Greggs pies ..

Anonymous said...

I love the fact that her picture is subtitled :

"Warning to parents: MP Diane Abbott"

microdave said...

"People are now lectured on obesity by a woman roughly the size of a small shed."

Oh, you must mean the nurse at our local health centre?

The receptionists aren't exactly svelte either...

blueknight said...

I think she is using Jasmine Alibi Brown as a speech writer.

Anonymous said...

@blueknight: why did you have to bring that noisome woman up? I'll have nightmares now! That Mr Brown must be a saint or a &$@%!

Gallovidian said...

Its okay, even people failed by our education system are beginning to laugh at this contrived crap.pinablu

JuliaM said...

"This woman is beyond parody..."

I see she's in the 'Mail' again today too!

"Someone has got money to burn eh."

We all have, when that money isn't ours!

"Does tha lady have any idea of the world she is living in?"

As she's a professional politician, I doubt it's the same world.

JuliaM said...

"I love the fact that her picture is subtitled :

"Warning to parents: MP Diane Abbott""


"Its okay, even people failed by our education system are beginning to laugh at this contrived crap"

That's when you know things may not be as bad as you thought.. ;)