Thursday, 17 September 2015

Because He’s Been Caught, I Presume..?

Sarah Johnson, defending Gorton, described him as educationally disadvantaged and emotionally immature and added that he now regrets what happened.
Sure, sure, they all do, when they’re in the dock.

And…’educationally disadvantaged’? Is this some new politically-correct euphemism for ‘thick’..?


Anonymous said...

’Educationally disadvantaged’ is a superb PC description. Do you not agree, Jaded?

Ted Treen said...

And…’educationally disadvantaged’? Is this some new politically-correct euphemism for ‘thick’..?

Err... yes.

SteveA said...

The reality is the educationally disadvantaged are the clever kids that are ignored while the sytem spends all its time and money on morons like this.

Andy said...

That's how I see it SteveA. Where is the NAGC (National Association for Gifted Children) these days? Probably been banned or in hiding.

JuliaM said...

"The reality is the educationally disadvantaged are the clever kids that are ignored while the sytem spends all its time and money on morons like this."

Good point...