Thursday, 28 February 2019

Quote Of The Month

DumbJon on the ISIS bride's hopes for a return and the chance the modern Tories will actually agree:
"The Tories could add 10% overnight just by telling this witch to shove it. Hey, even if they have to change the law... especially if they have to change the law. Do you think it might be interesting to get Islington Jesus on record re: the Screw You And Stay There Act (2019)? As far as Labour's base goes, this isn't a 'wedge' issue, it's a 'chainsaw with titanium teeth' issue. It would expose perfectly how the 'Party of the Working Man' has been hijacked by a deranged alliance between degenerate metropolitan snoots and Jihadists.
It's one for the philosophers alright: jihadists want to blow people up, the Tories want to let them. Who exactly are the crazed fanatics here?"

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