Friday 22 April 2022

What's The Magistrates' Excuses?

In mitigation, it was claimed Kelly had "high functioning autism".


Yet whole (sic) he had stopped taking prescription medication for his mental health, the £200-a-week Universal Credit claimant was a "recreational" cocaine user.

Wow, I guess it's cheaper than I thought to have a coke habit! Hollywood has lied to me yet again... 

...a probation worker told the court he was apologetic for his actions, adding: "He did say in the interview he felt ashamed, humiliated and embarrassed by his actions.

I can't see why he'd be any of those things, since he is - of course! - no stranger to this behaviour: 

The defendant, who has nine previous convictions including assault and drunk and disorderly, was also sentenced to a 12 month community order with a focus on a rehabilitation. He must also pay £85 in costs and a £95 surcharge.



Robert the Biker said...

Should have tasered the fucker till he was epileptic, then his brief could claim he was a high functioning spaz. I dont understand how they are allowed to claim this autism bollocks without an actual medical report.

JuliaM said...

"I dont understand how they are allowed to claim this autism bollocks without an actual medical report."

Sadly, I suspect they have no problem finding a quack to write one...