Thursday 14 April 2022

Pretty Sure Most Are Just Getting On With Their Lives... the rest of us. It's the tiny and unrepresentative minority of activists that are losing it, mostly in fear they'll have to make a proper living now:

“There is strong evidence that minorities experience greater levels of stress when their rights are being debated,” said Dr Adam Jowett, the chair of the British Psychological Society’s Sexualities Section.
“The mental health of the trans community has been affected not just in the past week but over the past few years: by the perception that the government is hostile to trans rights, the sense that they are not protected and the fact this is happening against a backdrop of hate crime and transphobia on the rise”.

Well, tough luck, Adam. Women aren't going to give up their rights and access to female-only spaces to help your patients. We aren't going to silence ourselves either.   


Doonhamer said...

Debate stresses them.?!!
Solution is obvious.
Move and live in that huge part of the country where we don't give a stuff and would never "debate".
Just don't complain about the smell of cow shit, tractors using the roads and cocks crowing.
And never think about your milk not coming from a bull and the high price of eggs laid by those cocks, whose very name gives you kerniptions.

Anonymous said...

And quite right, JUlia. There's even a huge difference between people who like to dress like members of the opposite sex and those whose fetish is to have themselves mutilated in the interests of seeming to be more like those they wish to be (i.e. post-operative). The latter can't indulge in some of the behaviour that the former can.

Personally, I think that all this 'trans' nonsense is just a manifestation of the fact that some people have too much time on their hands, and can indulge their deviant sexual fantasies in a way that fewer people could in the past when life was harder and more demanding.

What we need is to recognise deviant sexual behaviour and to be able to call it just that, separating out the harmful types for disapprobation, and leaving the harmless to just get on with it, recognising that it's still deviant.

Anonymous said...

Why are we worried about the mental health of the mentally sick? If they were to be offered treatment for their mental illness they would claim not to be mentally ill. Why treat a mental illness with surgery? Did we offer surgical intervention to all of those elderly men in care homes with a Napoleon complex so they resembled the man?

JuliaM said...

"Debate stresses them.?!!
Solution is obvious."

Well, it's not my preferred solution..!

"Personally, I think that all this 'trans' nonsense is just a manifestation of the fact that some people have too much time on their hands..."

Spot on! The devil clearly has so many of those idle hands to choose from these days, he leaves things to the lesser demonic pantheon.

"Did we offer surgical intervention to all of those elderly men in care homes with a Napoleon complex so they resembled the man?"

Something I've often wondered. No doubt in the future dystopia this will be considered a cruel oversight.