Saturday 27 January 2024


The Metropolitan police have urged the public to refrain from making “unnecessary and unhelpful” comments about a newborn found alive in a shopping bag last week.
The force used its latest appeal for information to say those commenting had no idea what the baby’s mother was going through​...
To hell with her. Those people are imagining what the newborn went through, discarded in freezing temperatures like rubbish. This isn't a third world country where we expect such things to happen. There are plenty of services available for women in these situations.

And to hell with you too, Chief Superintendant Crick. You're an example of why we no longer respect the police.
“Lastly, I’d like to say that although comments online have been largely incredibly kind, supportive and understanding, there have been a small number of abusive and negative comments that are both unnecessary and unhelpful. All of us are looking at this from a position of privilege in that we have no idea what baby Elsa’s mother is going through.”

That 'long march through the institutions' has given us this. No wonder London is an absolute tip. 


Anonymous said...

"We believe the woman is black..."

'Nuff said?

Macheath said...

Something about this rang a bell: back in 2013, a West Midlands Chief Inspector said of a new-born baby found in almost identical circumstances

"...of course what she really needs is to be in her mother’s arms. I’d urge Jade’s mum to make contact with us so we can reunite them and get her medical attention and emotional support.”*

It’s hard to see why a serving police officer, who should be well aware of the all-too-numerous cases of child neglect and mistreatment occurring in Britain’s cities, could express such a naive and unrealistic sentiment; the comments from the Met suggest little has changed in the intervening decade.

Sgt Albert Hall said...

Virtue signalling tripe. He actually doesn’t give a toss about the baby or its mother, he’s just regurgitating the dross he’s been taught.

JuliaM said...

"'Nuff said?"


"...the comments from the Met suggest little has changed in the intervening decade."

Certainly the training hasn;t changed, if Sgt Albert's comment is right.

"Virtue signalling tripe. He actually doesn’t give a toss about the baby or its mother, he’s just regurgitating the dross he’s been taught."

How soul-destroying that must be.