Sunday, 3 March 2024

Bit Far For Them To Go...

...since this was DC. In the USA.


Old Peculier said...

I saw the video and thought to myself "These auditions for the new Fantastic Four
movie are a bit brutal".

Barbarus said...

Maybe someone in the US Secret Service reads a lot of old detective novels?

Anonymous said...

OK, I'll be the one to say the obvious.

D.C. Metropolitan Police (DCMP). The (London) Met aren't the only ones using that word (although the assumption that any dept. using it is incompetent, corrupt, and staffed entirely with diverse and female quota hires 'is', not surprisingly, all too true).

JuliaM said...

"I saw the video and thought to myself "These auditions for the new Fantastic Four
movie are a bit brutal"."


"Maybe someone in the US Secret Service reads a lot of old detective novels?"

Got to do something on those long stake outs!

"OK, I'll be the one to say the obvious.

D.C. Metropolitan Police (DCMP)."

Aha! I suspect we have a winner!