Saturday 29 February 2020

Quote Of The Month

Hector Drummond sums up the implicit dangers of the Caroline Flack case:
"‘Depression’ and ‘vulnerability’ cannot be get-out-of-jail cards for criminal behaviour. If you’re so seriously mentally ill that you need to be institutionalised then, sure, the state shouldn’t proceed with the charges. But if you’re compos mentis and able to enjoy the other fruits of life then you can’t say that you shouldn’t have to face up to what you’ve done just because it might depress you. Who wouldn’t be depressed by having to face court? If we continue down this road then nobody will ever have to face court, because everyone can use this sort of defence."
And Al Jahom on the immutable laws of the human condition:
"As the multicultural experiment has proceeded, it has become increasingly obvious that we are not a melting pot. We are groupish. We like people like us. We glom together. White people like to live around and do business with whites. We trust our own more than we trust the other. Blacks with blacks, Muslims with Muslims, Jews with Jews etc.
It’s not a wish, but it is an observable reality of every city in every Western country. We can wish all we like that Blue Mink were right when they sung Melting Pot. But they were not. How ever hard we stir the pot and however much we heat it over, the ingredients won’t stay mixed."

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