Tuesday 14 June 2022

Oooh, I Love A Puzzle!

...I wonder what sort of 'encampment'..? Have the barbarian hordes of Genghis Khan descended on Norfolk?

A KonectBus spokesman, which run the service, said: "We are working in conjunction with Norfolk County Council, South Norfolk Council and other relevant agencies in relation to the caravans on the airport site."
Awww, you gave it away! 

H/T: Dave Ward via email


Penseivat said...

Until the law of trespass becomes a criminal offence, like it is in the Irish Republic, rather than a civil one, these parasites will continue to makes lives miserable for others. Don't do the same if you're ever in their patch, as the Garda will be down on you before you can say, "Have some lucky heather, darling".
Unfortunately, with the tunnel visioned, "diversity at all costs" numpties we have in Parliament, such a change will be a long time coming.

Squires said...

Surely somewhere in the UK there is still at least one functional Churchill Crocodile.

Peter said...

Another set of Caravan Using Nomadic Travellers.

JuliaM said...

"Until the law of trespass becomes a criminal offence..."

Wasn't our utterly useless 'Tory' Home Office supposed to be making it so?

"...at least one functional Churchill Crocodile."

I had to look that up!

"Another set of Caravan Using Nomadic Travellers."
