Tuesday 28 May 2024

Fatal Attraction...

Marie Stevens had been attempting to stroke Rachel and Brian Walshe's Rottweilers when she was mauled in the street, with the latter allegedly telling her: "Get up will you? There's nothing wrong with you."
The victim was an animal lover who had recently lost her own dog. Sje had the misfortune to cross the path of utter monsters. And I'm not simply talking about the dogs here... 
Ms Stevens, who had been walking to have her tea at her sister's house at the time, was rushed to Aintree Hospital by ambulance after suffering "extensive injuries to her limbs", including a "degloving" to her lower left leg and lacerations to her right ankle, both arms and lower right abdomen. She later told Merseyside Police that she had "asked if she could stroke the dogs" and that Rachel Walshe had "indicated that was ok".

Which, as soon as the victim died, they realised had been a mistake, and sought to deny responsibility despite witnesses and CCTV. 

A post-mortem investigation subsequently found that a blood clot had formed in her left calf as a result of the dog bite then broken off and travelled to her lungs, blocking her blood supply. A pathologist concluded that there was "direct causation of the death of Marie Stevens and the dog attack which occurred approximately two weeks prior to her death".
Brian Walshe was first interviewed by detectives the day after the incident. He claimed that he had "told Mrs Stevens to stay away", although CCTV footage was said to have shown him "motioning her to approach".

Whoops! A liar. In Liverpool! Who'dathunkit?   

During a second interview following her death, the 42-year-old said that he and his mother had bought Frankie and Rocky two years previously from a breeder in Blackpool and that he "never had any reason to be concerned about the temperament of either dog". Walshe again maintained that he had told Ms Stevens not to stroke the dogs and stated that she had approached them in an "animated way", although this was not captured on the video. Rachel Walshe said in her initial interview on August 19 that Frankie "often barked at other dogs but was not aggressive towards them", although he "did not like to be stroked for too long and could be temperamental at times".

So the male in the case had 'no concerns' about the dogs, but the female wasn't so blase? 

Both defendants, who have no previous convictions, admitted owning a dangerously out of control dog causing death. They were handed 10-month imprisonments suspended for 18 months with rehabilitation activity requirements of up to 20 days.Rachel Walshe was seen to reach out for her son's hands as he stood in the dock with his head bowed. One member of Ms Stevens' family said "taking the p***" before he stormed out of the courtroom as they were spared prison, while a woman left in tears once the hearing had ended. Sentencing, the Honorary Recorder of Liverpool Judge Andrew Menary KC said: "There is no sentence that I can pass that will begin to equate in any real sense with the loss that has been suffered. The reality is that there is nothing that this court can do or say that will alleviate or reduce the immeasurable suffering.
"Some will think any sentence is inadequate. But my task is to ensure that the sentence I pass is just and proportionate, consistent with the sentencing guidelines and reflecting all of the relevant circumstances of this very sad and tragic case."

Which I suspect, loosely translated, amounts to 'the jails are fullthe jails are full'. And so justice is once again withheld from the victim's relatives. But not from the State. 

Both defendants were also told to pay £3,500 each towards the costs of keeping the dogs in police kennels to this date.

Does anyone think they'll see a penny of this?  

Brian Walshe was ordered to give £500 towards prosecution costs, with Rachel Walshe made to contribute £150. She was banned from keeping dogs for life, while he was disqualified for five years. Judge Menary ordered that both Frankie and Rocky be destroyed.

A pity the same couldn't be imposed on the owners.  


The Jannie said...

"my task is to ensure that the sentence I pass is" within the Frankfurt guidelines, has nothing to do with "just and proportionate, consistent with" orders from our political masters "and" disregarding many "of the relevant circumstances of this very sad and tragic case."

JuliaM said...

"within the Frankfurt guidelines..."
