Tuesday, 21 January 2025

So Now We All Know, Kier… They Weren’t ‘Far Right’, They Were Just Right

And that's what worried you the most. So don't think we can be bought off with a public enquiry that will be carefully stage-managed to exonerate you.

Charlie Bentley-Astor covered the brief trial and the revelations on Twitter, revealing the horiffic events preceding the murders, and the utter failure of the authorities to seize on chances to prevent it. We were all braced for some sort of state failure, of course, but no-one - me included - had any real idea how bad it would be. 

His obsession with mass killings was also known to the authorities, but it is not clear whether they were aware of his father’s link to the Rwanda genocide of 1994.
It can now be revealed that Alphonse Rudakubana, a taxi driver who arrived in the UK in 2002, is thought to have fought with the Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA), an armed force that battled the Hutu-dominated regime in Rwanda and eventually brought an end to the mass ethnic killings of 1994.
He is reported to have been an RPA officer, possibly relatively senior, based in neighbouring Uganda, where his family are thought to have fled well before the genocide.

Well, there's no 'unrest' now, so why can't they be sent back? 

But, some will cry, why do you doubt a public enquiry will be effective? Well, Reader, simply this:

Police have found no evidence that the Southport attack was motivated by political, religious, racial or ideological causes, meaning it cannot be classed as an act of terrorism despite him having possession of a document proscribed under terrorism laws.

Normal people will say 'if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, has in its possession a terrorist manual and ricin, then it's probably a duck terrorist'. But a carefully selected public enquiry will use this sleight of hand to avoid reaching any conclusions that might threaten the squinty-eyed piece of filth in No 10.


The Jannie said...

A public enquiry is as valid as a local council "consultation". We all know the outcome is already decided and the rest is all smoke, mirrors, day rates and expenses.

Paul said...

BUT - if the perpetrator was a deeply evil individual who had an Al Qaeda manual among other materials of differing sources that fed his fascination with death, terrorism and genocide it wouldn't necessarily make this Islamist terrorism / Muslim inspired terror. What is the dividing line between terrorism and say US high school shooters? What was the purpose of PREVENT? was it too focussed on ideological motivations? I have said elsewhere I know a family with a little boy (adopted) who are loving and caring but nevertheless he was excluded from his private school for taking in a kitchen knife because another kid annoyed him. The lad has always been 'off' and we stopped hanging about with this family, as a family, because as a father of two daughters I didn't want to put my girls in danger. (they have since moved back to the USA). When I saw the Southport killers back story it brought all this back. But the point is, if the system is set up to catch terrorists and by definition terror is the use of violence for a religious, political or ideological purpose then this attack was not terrorism on that definition. So where does that lead us? we cannot let this happen again - but what can we do - can we incarcerate or detail kids who are essentially evil or have evil obsessions? I don't know. Its completely chilling, but I don't know there aren't others out there like him and I don't know that the law can protect us without greatly restricting freedoms.

Doonhamer said...

Jannie. I refer you to Ambrose Bierce, the definition of To Consult in his Devil's Dictionary.
Consult: To seek approval for a course of action already decided upon

Robert the Biker said...

So now that the monkey twat is officially guilty, can we drag him out the back and lynch him? Works for me!

Anonymous said...

Tell a lie often enough and it becomes the truth. This government have turned this old saying into an art form

Mark said...

Never forget that whatever happens, the starmer animal has a pension protected by a special law.

Anonymous said...

Politicians are experts in using selective language to try and avoid any blame for their actions. This lot seems to have taken this 'talent' to heart. Anyone would think they've been learning from the last lot.

Nemisis said...

It gets worse: Prime Ministers and Chancellors of the Exchequer, historically, are paid the full pension for the post NO MATTER HOW LITTLE TIME THEY WERE IN POST. Liz Truss I don't begrudge, Stammerer and Thieves I do.

JuliaM said...

The only ones who benefit are the lawyers...

JuliaM said...

Yes, we absolutely CAN (and should) 'incarcerate or detain kids who are essentially evil or have evil obsessions?' - because we can't have another Southport.

JuliaM said...

Spot on!

JuliaM said...

He's now safer than those three young girls. But the family isn't, if only they can be tracked down.

JuliaM said...

Except sooner or later, the truth finds its way out.

JuliaM said...


JuliaM said...

And will suffer the same fate as the last lot.