Friday, 24 January 2025

The Insanity Of NetZero Rumbles On

Newcastle Brown Ale's extra-large 'pint' bottle, Grolsch's famous porcelain top flask and a slice of lime in the neck of Mexican lager Corona may all become things of the past, say industry bodies. It is feared the government's 'Extended Producer Responsibility' scheme will slap an additional cost of 5p per bottle on manufacturers, forcing some breweries to switch from glass to cans.

Another Labour triumph! Out with the beloved old, in with the shiny new!  

The new green levy on food and drink packaging, which comes into force in April, is aimed at reducing heavier packaging such as glass.

Which, given glass is so easily recyclable, is nonsense. Did they not think it would have consequences? 

According to the Government's own analysis, the tax could increase Britons' yearly grocery bills by up to £56 per household. British Glass chief executive Dave Dalton said: 'We believe the cost could be even higher once additional supply chain costs and VAT are added.'

So, they did. They just didn’t care. 

Mr Dalton, whose body represents the UK glass industry, added: 'The bottom line is that the Government's packaging Extended Producer Responsibility scheme is putting thousands of jobs at risk in a sector that employs 120,000 in its supply chain - potentially shattering the UK glass sector.'

Shouldn’t Labour be concerned about job losses? 

A spokesman added: 'We are committed to cracking down on waste and boosting recycling.
'These reforms will create 21,000 jobs and lead to more than £10billion investment in recycling over the next decade, while meaning taxpayers don't foot the bill for managing waste.'

Ah, it’s ‘Rachel from Complaints’ maths, where 21,000 is more than 120,000!


The Jannie said...

Don't forget to point out their marxist envy and total political ineptitude to their voters: if you can find anyone who admits to being one.

Bucko said...

And the 120,000 will be lost from the private sector, who create the wealth, while the 21,000 (If that happens) will be added to the public sector, who sponge it

Sobers said...

To be honest if it stops the General Public from throwing their rubbish into the highways and byways of the UK then I'm all for it.
People should be charged extra for the packaging for the products they buy and then get the money back when they recycle them correctly. We've tried the 'Rely on people behaving nicely' method, and all we've got is a country covered in crap thrown out of cars and vans. Time to make people pay up front.

Anonymous said...

I had a bottle of Newcy Brown the other day. I think the bottles have always been pint sized. The claim that it somehow reduces recycling costs by changing from glass to cans is absolutely baffling.

Anonymous said...

I think that the Singapore approach would work better. That combined with litter picking chain gangs would have the countryside looking pristine in no time.

Sheikh_Anvakh said...

Or perhaps, ALL of the manufacturers get together and REFUSE to pay the tax. Stalin and Theeves can't exactly prosecute the entire industry not without throwing tens of thousands out of work.

JuliaM said...

Fewer and fewer of those as time goes on and we find out just how awful a job they are making of it...

JuliaM said...

Of course! Got to grow that empire of dependents.

JuliaM said...

Nothing will stop that, Sobers, except immediate, on the spot punishment. Like Singapore.

JuliaM said...

And not challenged by any 'journalist', which maybe isn't so baffling...

JuliaM said...

I hoped they'd do that when the ridiculous 'Challenge 25?' age thing came in, but they just rolled over. And they will again.