Sunday, 5 January 2025

Going Into 2025 Just The Same As Ever, 'Mail'?

Through the what? The doorbell? 

H/T: Stephen Brown via email


Anonymous said...

I'm old enough to recall washing machines with ringers, used to squeeze the last drops of water out of clothes, something that Jolie seems to have done, financially, with Pitt. However, up north, we used to call it the mangle, as in, "I've never laughed so much since Granny caught her bosom in the mangle" .

John Tee said...

I to am old enough to recall such washing machines, except ours had a wringer.

Komakino75 said...

I'm sorry, she's a multi millionaire in her own right. As far as I remember she left him. Brad will have try and join Oasis, divorce payments are the only reason they reformed

Andy5759 said...

My mum didn't have a wringer, we managed with a mangle.

Typing the above my autocorrect suggested 'syringe' in place of wringer and 'mantle' for mangle.

JuliaM said...

I'm old enough to have USED my gran's one!

JuliaM said...


JuliaM said...


JuliaM said...

I love autocorrect ๐Ÿ˜‚