Wednesday 4 February 2015

Frances Ryan Thinks The Queen Should Get A Winter Fuel Payment, I Suppose?

…Price said that if she paid privately for her disabled son’s government-funded transport to school, it would cost “up to £1,000 a day” .
He requires a driver and a nurse capable of giving emergency injections.
Price “admitted” – as if asking her local authority to fulfil its duty of care to a disabled child was a point of shame – that her 12-year-old son, Harvey, who is blind and has a complex range of health problems, has a driver to help him to school, and a nurse provided for him.
Well, yes, it should indeed be a point of shame if someone who can well afford it instead expects the taxpayer to stump up the cash.

Isn't that why the winter fuel payment to the rich or those settled abroad (they conveniently forget warmer climes don’t stay that way all year round) is consistently attacked by ‘Guardian’ commentators?
She has the money – why should he get benefits? There’s such a thing as personal responsibility, you know. Disabled people are expensive. Why should the taxpayer pay for her child?
Valid questions, to anyone not a chip-on-the-shoulder disability activist like Frances.
Katie Price is the face of a climate that has learned to hate need: a working-class single mother (of a disabled, mixed-race child), whom we can “legitimately” attack.
Quite unlike the Eton-educated ‘toffs’ the ‘Guardian feels free to attack, I suppose?
That’s exactly why universal benefits matter. Defend the right of mothers of disabled children, such as Price, to get help, and it reinforces the rights of everyone else. That’s how society works.
Strengthen one pillar and the other gets bolder; weaken one and it won’t be long before they all start to crumble.
Good. The sooner they do crumble, so that taxpayers aren’t forking out for the likes of single Marie Buchan with her brood of absent-fathered children, whinging about being ‘forced into work’ the better.


Lord T said...

The means checking for all these things is why the government is so bloated. If they just said everyone on a state pension got this cash then it would save a fortune in admin.

Same with disability. After a check they should get the cash. After all it is people like her that are giving the cash to everyone else. What a catastrophe someone is getting it when they should be giving. Or should I say taking with force.

ivan said...

Winter fuel payment, wot's that?

I live in France very close to the Spanish border at at the moment it is MINUS 1 degree outside and has been hovering around ZERO degrees for the last week. Fore some reason I'm supposed to be living in a hot part of the world and don't require any extra help with heating.

Like Lord T I agree that anything that reduces the over staffed civil service has to be a good thing. I would go further and say that pensions and all type of benefits should be replaced by negative income tax which should cut public sector staffing by a half to two thirds.

andy5759 said...

It is such a pity that this unfortunate illness is blighting what should have been such a wonderfully comfortable and content family. Having said that, are any of legion of ills which the poor child is suffering possibly caused by cocaine abuse by one or more of the parents?

JuliaM said...

"The means checking for all these things is why the government is so bloated."

Yup, agreed.

" I would go further and say that pensions and all type of benefits should be replaced by negative income tax.."

A great idea! But the sneaky bastards would just put VAT up...

"Having said that, are any of legion of ills which the poor child is suffering possibly caused by cocaine abuse by one or more of the parents?"

A question I suspect no doctor would ever dare voice...