Pupils at a south Essex school will no longer be able to gain a GCSE in Religious Education - after it decided to ditch the qualification.Isn't this a good thing? They can take far more useful subjects instead.
Headteacher Ahson Mohammed was unavailable for comment, while other staff members declined to comment.Hmmm. Does this put a new complexion on things..?
One must go to a mosque for RE, schools are no place to learn the important things.
"Students will now use this additional timetabled hour per week on a range of targeted interventions which will be personalised for each student. "
Am I being paranoid or is it just BBC propaganda? Every time a school classroom is shown in it there are more black and brown children and teachers than white. Is this a true representation of our schools today are white people now a minority or heading that way and are our schools been run by those with different cultures and religions than we are traditionally used to? If so does that portend the end of our way of life, culture and ethical values? If so then our society is going to see a considerable transformation. Progressive ideology has been eating away at our society for a long time but that is something that is possible to deal with and on that we have begun to do so.
However it being taken over by different races and religions because of demographics then that is unstoppable. It would not even be desirable to do so if the process would mean our society would benefit from it. The evidence suggest that it is not desirable as the process will be regressive as standards and values will decline. A situation that will occur with increasing rapidity over the next decade or so which fortunately I at my age I will not be around to experience undoubted disastrous results.
I left the UK in 1978 and can't contemplate returning to live there. Anybody feel like a boiled frog yet?
A few American commentators have made the connection between Brexit and Trump. If Trump delivers on his promise to "drain the swamp of Washington" we may see demands here for similar action. Who, among our current crop of politicians, could step up to do that sort of job? The swamp in Britain is very deep and very murky and its drainage will take courage.
'Every time a school classroom is shown in it there are more black and brown children and teachers than white.’
Yes, that’s generally the case if the BBC is reporting on something good or neutral. But if it’s bad news, that’s when fair-haired, blue-eyed English teachers and children come to the fore.
"One must go to a mosque for RE, schools are no place to learn the important things."
"Am I being paranoid or is it just BBC propaganda? Every time a school classroom is shown in it there are more black and brown children and teachers than white."
Sadly, this is indeed a true representation of many 'enriched' areas. Taking my mother on a hospital visit last week, we observed a local school turning out while sitting in the inevitable traffic.
I could have counted on the fingers on one hand the number of Caucasian children.
"...and can't contemplate returning to live there."
Some parts are still nice.
Say, is it getting warmer here, though? Or is it just me..?
"Who, among our current crop of politicians, could step up to do that sort of job? "
*looks at current crop of politicians* Who, indeed..?
"But if it’s bad news, that’s when fair-haired, blue-eyed English teachers and children come to the fore."
One has to wonder where they go to find them!
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