Saturday 22 July 2017

Little Tip For The Minnesota Police Department...

...maybe you should run your police officers through the same training we run our police horses...

Killer policeman Mohamed Noor has said he was 'startled' by his victim Justine Damond seconds before he opened fire.
According to Noor's version when they reached the end of the alley, they came across a waiting, panicking figure.
It was dark, and the figure was moving around and approached their vehicle. Noor said he did not know whether the figure who rushed towards their vehicle was the 911 caller or even if it was a man or woman.
He fired his weapon through Harrity's open driver's window hitting his victim once in the abdomen.

There's no closing ranks with this one, either:
The police chief, Janee Harteau, who was on leave at the time of the shooting last week, distanced the police department from the actions of officer Mohamed Noor in her first public comments on the matter.
Her press conference also followed the release a statement by the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension [BCA] on the investigation on Thursday.
“Justine didn’t have to die. Based on the publicly released information from the BCA [Bureau of Criminal Apprehension], this should not have happened,” Harteau said.
“On our squad cars you will find the words, ‘To protect with courage and serve with compassion.’ This did not happen. Having the information that is publicly available right now recognising there’s an open BCA investigation.”
Harteau said Noor’s shooting of Lamond, who had called 911 to report a possible sexual assault and was in her pyjamas when she approached the squad car and was shot multiple times, “go against who we are as a department, how we train and the expectations we have for our officers”.
Wow! That's quite unusual. You'll note, too, that there's no riots over this, no #Aussielivesmatter campaign...
Responding to a question from a reporter that it was rare for a police chief to publicly disown an officer under investigation, Harteau acknowledged it was unusual but said “each situation is different, and when information has been made public, I certainly can speak on what the public knows”.
Predictably, the usual suspects are crying 'racism!' because the cops were black and she was white, and that's why the police department aren't offering the usual unqualified support.

As for why the body cameras weren't turned on, it's because, after this incident, even the thickest Minnesota cop must have realised it's not going to help:
The new video, recorded by Mays’ body camera and first obtained by Minneapolis Star Tribune, shows the incident from the officer’s vantage point.
In it, the cop points his drawn service weapon at Ciroc, which comes running towards him but stops short. The dog appears to be calmly pacing around for a few seconds on the grass, with his tail slightly wagging, before the officer fires his gun, striking the dog in the face.
Rocko then makes a dash towards the officer and also gets shot, about 2-3 seconds later. 'I dispatched both of them,' Mays is heard telling his partner after the fact.
In fact, both dogs are still alive. You can't cure stupid, but you can certainly record it!


MTG said...

It's bad enough putting rabid monkeys in uniform. I mean, we take those risks on this side of the water. But giving them firearms with live rounds is downright murderous...

Anonymous said...

The policeman was their first Somali Muslim; their police chief there first Native American lesbian chief, so a department where box ticking is more important than actual policing skills.

Oi you said...

Appalling. Words cannot express...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Your primitive defence mechanisms are at work again, WC Jaded. Having the emotional age of a ten-year old, you quickly resort to name calling. You rarely present a reasoned argument because you often lack the ability to understand the point being made...or see beyond the self.

Anonymous said...


PJH said...

"Janeé Harteau"

The mayor has forced her to resign. Calls for the mayor herself to resign were rebuffed...

JuliaM said...

" a department where box ticking is more important than actual policing skills."

It would certainly appear that way...

"The mayor has forced her to resign. Calls for the mayor herself to resign were rebuffed..."

Oh, if only I were still capable of surprise!