Saturday, 30 December 2017

Not The Sort Of Contract They Deserve…

Investigating officer PC Sam Creighton said: “Following the incident, the Basildon community policing team have identified 15 of the youths involved and are in the process of visiting them to address their behaviour.
“So far six of them have been placed on Acceptable Behaviour Contracts and their schools and landlords or housing associations have been notified.
“Where crimes are identified, those responsible will be dealt with proportionately and where necessary they may be subject to arrest and/or interview under caution.
“Essex Police has various powers to address antisocial behaviour and crime involving youths.
“This can include enforced engagement with the Youth Offending Service, Parenting Orders, a civil injunction or a Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO), which lasts up to two years and any breach is an arrestable offence.
“We were overwhelmed with the response to our CCTV appeal and thank all those who contacted us.”
Someone should have taken out a contract on the scummy little chavs. Leaving anything up to the Essex Police farce and the inadequate justice system seems like utter futility.


Pcar said...

"We were annoyed with the response to our CCTV appeal and thank all those who contacted us for confirming they are bigots who believe crime is bad, rather than enriching - your details have been added to The DataBase.”

FTFY Essex Plodders Farce

JuliaM said...

"FTFY Essex Plodders Farce"
