Thursday 21 December 2017

On The Tenth Day Of Christmas, #TrumpWin Gave To Me…

House Speaker Paul Ryan tweeted: 'Great news. The Senate just passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. After years of work, we are going to enact the most sweeping, pro-growth overhaul of our tax code in a generation.'
A wave of protesters provided one of the biggest bursts of emotion. A group of people yelled out ‘Kill the bill, don't kill us!’ as the final vote was being taken.
‘The Sergeant at Arms will restore order in the gallery,’ said Vice President Mike Pence, who was presiding over the chamber. Pence’s appearance was a flourish that put him in the spotlight – though party leaders knew in advance his potential tie-breaking vote was not needed.
One protester yelled at GOP Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona, 'Have you no shame?'
...and utter desperationrolling back Obama's mistakes, progressive gift-buying, hysterical overreaction and hyperbole,  no more pandering to Muslim grievance, telling it like it is, primal screaming, MSM hopelessness and despair and the best TV advert parody EVER!


Pcar said...

From tax reform to military successes, here’s a look at President Trump’s achievements one year since taking office.

Almost abolishing SALT deductions, Repealing Obama's Fine for not enrolling, Defeating instead of assisting Izal aka isis

“It’s The Most Wonderful Time in 8 Years”


Andy said...

Within hours of the vote major corporations increased wages. Hah, take that, you economically ignorant leftwards!

JuliaM said...

"“It’s The Most Wonderful Time in 8 Years”"

Yeah, that was last Christmas! Next one is likely to be even BETTER! :)

"Within hours of the vote major corporations increased wages. Hah, take that, you economically ignorant leftwards!"
