Sunday 7 January 2018

Sunday Funnies...

Wait, no-one's building a spaceship?


jack ketch said...

Any smoker not prepping for the Zombie Apocalypse (or 'BrexSShite' as it should more properly be called) by filling their Cupboards Of Doom with lovely tins of Belgian tobacco, should consider giving up now because within a couple of years of BrexSShite at the most 50g of tobacco will be the price it is in Oz or NZ (ca. £45) and you'll only be allowed to import 250g duty free if we are lucky.

And that's not just remoaner talk.

Anonymous said...

I liked Branson's bomb / tornado / hurricane proof "wine cellar"
The pictures did not show much wine, or distressed locals, though.

JuliaM said...

"...because within a couple of years of BrexSShite at the most 50g of tobacco will be the price it is in Oz or NZ..."

I fear you may be right!