Saturday 28 April 2018

The Court Has Lost Patience, And So Have I...

A black Labrador belonging to the owner of an 11th century castle and wedding venue bit a delivery man on the buttocks.
Robert Hay, owner of Bickleigh Castle near Tiverton, pleaded guilty to having dog Rona which was dangerously out of control injuring Mark Peters at the castle on October 7 last year.
Hmmm. That name sounds familiar....
He also admitted failing to control fellow black Labrador Doubleé who 'snapped' at the delivery man on the previous day and a third charge of breaching a dog control order made after Doubleé injured a teenage boy who was working at a wedding at the castle in 2015.
Aha! So does that one!
Sentencing will take place on May 3 with Hay facing the possibility that the dogs would be put down.
I wonder if we ever got to the bottom (heh!) of why that teenage boy needed a rabies jab? Or was it, as suggested in comments, actually a tetanus jab..?

Regardless, the man's a fool for not heeding the court's orders. If the dogs are put down, it's entirely his own fault.

H/T: Retired in comments


Scrobs. said...

I think he'd have known if it was a rabies jab.

Don't they use a blunt spade to get the stuff in?

Sobers said...

Whats the world coming to if the owner of a castle can't let his dogs bite the staff these days?????

JuliaM said...

"Don't they use a blunt spade to get the stuff in?"

I checked and...yes. Yes, they do!

"Whats the world coming to if the owner of a castle can't let his dogs bite the staff these days???"

I know! Shocking lack of tradition! :D