Friday 15 February 2019

Mind How You Go, Sir!

Police sent a letter to a man reminding him to stick to the speed limit this year, despite the fact he is dead.
His daughter, Ruby Whitworth, posted an image of the letter on Twitter and said: “Thanks for your concern but you don’t need to worry about Stephen speeding anymore, he’s dead.”
Sussex Police responded, commenting on her post. A spokesman said: “Hi Ruby, we’d like to offer our sincerest condolences.
“This initiative was intended to keep the roads of Sussex as safe as possible.
“However, we fully realise in some cases this was inappropriate and we apologise for any distress caused by our letter.”
There must have been a few squeaky bums in Sussex Police HQ! Luckily for them, the relatives weren't about to demand their compo.
Ruby saw the funny side of the situation. She said: “Thank you, that’s very kind.
“Unlike some people, my mum and I found it hilarious.
If he was alive it would have been completely appropriate for him.”
Others disagreed that warning people not to commit motoring offences by mailshot is ever appropriate, and as a taxpayer, I'd have to agree.
Dennis Hammond also took to social media to voice his opinion, tagging Sussex Police. He said: “With regards to your letter encouraging me to keep to the speed limit this year. Two things of note.
One, you have not known me long enough to call me Dennis.
“Two, you have spelt licence wrong.


Stonyground said...

I think that I would be pretty pissed off if I had received a letter of this kind. I think that my response would be to say that I would try not to commit murder or armed robbery too.

Sgt Albert Hall said...

I despair. No wonder the standing of the police service in our society is as low as it is.

JuliaM said...

" I think that my response would be to say that I would try not to commit murder or armed robbery too."

They might hold you to that.. ;)

"No wonder the standing of the police service in our society is as low as it is."

I used to take comfort it could go no lower. Sadly, I underestimated...